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发布时间:2019-07-05 08:30
【摘要】:随着信息技术的发展与成熟,作为文化重要组成部分的视觉文化,迎来了新的春天。然而在视觉文化快速发展的同时,由于功利主义、享乐主义和泛娱乐化思潮的影响,使其表现出了功利性、低俗化的特点。当代大学生身处低俗化的视觉文化语境中,他们的价值取向趋向于功利化、世俗化,审美出现了观念模糊、意识偏差、标准混乱的现象,这严重阻碍了他们审美素养的提升,也影响了他们的成才和成长。在当今视觉文化环境下,深入开展大学生审美素养培养的研究,以期探寻出一条途径,找到相应的方法,是一个十分具有现实意义的重要课题。 本论文由六个部分组成。第一章为绪论,主要阐述论文的选题和研究意义、研究的现状、研究的方法和思路以及相关概念的界定;第二章对调查问卷收集的数据进行了整理与分析,通过数据对研究问题进行了具体的分析;第三章为理论概述部分,系统地论述了大学生审美素养培养的时代诉求、去低俗化、理论基础以及体系构建;第四章为关系研究部分,主要论述了当代视觉文化的特征及其对大学生审美素养培养的影响;第五章提出了相应的对策,详细论述了当代大学生审美素养培养应遵循的基本原则、培养的途径和具体方法以及一些辅助性的建议措施;在最后的结语部分,笔者总结了当代大学生审美素养培养的着眼点和论文研究中的不足之处。
[Abstract]:With the development and maturity of information technology, visual culture, as an important part of culture, ushered in a new spring. However, with the rapid development of visual culture, due to the influence of utilitarianism, hedonism and pan-entertainment, it shows the characteristics of utilitarian and vulgarization. Contemporary college students are in the context of vulgarization of visual culture, their value orientation tends to utilitarian, secularization, aesthetic concept blur, consciousness deviation, standard confusion, which seriously hinders the improvement of their aesthetic literacy, but also affects their growth and growth. In today's visual culture environment, it is an important subject of practical significance to carry out the research on the cultivation of college students' aesthetic literacy in order to find out a way and find the corresponding methods. This paper consists of six parts. The first chapter is the introduction, which mainly expounds the topic selection and research significance of the paper, the present situation of the research, the methods and ideas of the research and the definition of related concepts. The second chapter collates and analyzes the data collected by the questionnaire, and makes a specific analysis of the research problems through the data. The third chapter is the theoretical overview part, which systematically discusses the demand of the times, devulgarization, theoretical basis and system construction of the cultivation of college students' aesthetic literacy. The fourth chapter is the relationship research part, which mainly discusses the characteristics of contemporary visual culture and its influence on the cultivation of college students' aesthetic literacy. The fifth chapter puts forward the corresponding countermeasures, discusses in detail the basic principles, ways and concrete methods of cultivation and some auxiliary suggestions and measures to cultivate the aesthetic literacy of contemporary college students. In the last part of the conclusion, the author summarizes the focus of the cultivation of aesthetic literacy of contemporary college students and the shortcomings of the paper research.


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