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发布时间:2019-07-05 17:42
【摘要】:自2007年秋季开始,今年已经是教育部直属师范大学招收免费师范生的第六年。社会各界都十分关注作为推进国家教育均衡发展重大战略的参与者——免费师范生们的学习情况、心理状况和职业态度状况。免费师范生对教师职业的态度不仅直接关系到他们的学习和从业情况,更关系到国家促进教育发展和实现教育公平目标能否实现的重大问题。免费师范生作为特殊的大学生群体,其教师职业态度也有特殊的发展规律,而其职业态度又和他们将来的职业行为有很大关系,因此有必要对免费师范生的职业态度进行深层次的调查和研究。 为了能够较为客观、全面地描述免费师范生的教师职业态度现状。本研究通过自编免费师范生教师职业态度问卷及进行单靶内隐联想测验对免费师范生的外显与内隐教师职业态度进行了研究。 研究一:免费师范生教师职业态度问卷的编制。在梳理前人文献的基础上,通过半开放式问卷和半结构访谈收集信息,我们初步建构了免费师范生教师职业态度的理论结构:职业认知、职业情感和职业准备。在此基础上编制了初测问卷。初测400人,对340份有效问卷进行探索性因素分析,抽取三个因子:职业认知、职业情感、职业准备。在合理修订后形成了免费师范生教师职业态度正式问卷。施测问卷1180份,其中有效问卷913份。以内部一致性信度Cronbach α系数为信度检验指标,发现各维度和总问卷都具有较好的信度;内容效度邀请了18名相关专家对问卷进行了评定,发现问卷的内容效度较好;结构效度通过相关系数矩阵和验证性因素分析来检验,经统计发现符合问卷编制的统计要求;实证效度选取了免费师范生职业认同指标,发现二者显著正相关,说明问卷具有较好的实证效度。以上研究说明免费师范生教师职业态度问卷具有良好的信度和效度,可以作为测量免费师范生教师职业态度的稳定而有效工具。 研究二:免费师范生内隐教师职业态度的实验研究。选取免费师范生被试80人,采用单靶内隐联想测验(ST-IAT)对被试进行施测,其中数据有效75人,实验结果发现被试D效应均值为0.18,经过检验发现总体上被试对教师职业偏向积极态度,进一步对相容任务和不相容任务反应进行配对比较检验也发现相容任务反应时显著短于不相容任务的反应时,也说明总体上被试对教师职业持积极的内隐态度。 研究三:免费师范生教师职业态度的特点分析及外显与内隐态度的关系研究。总体上免费师范生教师职业态度问卷总分及各个维度的得分都高于平均值3,对教师职业持积极态度。免费师范生外显教师职业态度具有一定的性别、年级、城乡及家庭收入差异。又将外显态度总均分与内隐实验D效应值进行相关分析,发现外显测量与内隐测量相关不显著,它们是两种不同的结构在本研究中得到了证实。 综合以上研究,我们可以得到以下几个主要结论: (1)免费师范生的教师职业态度是一个多维度的结构,包括职业认知、职业情感、职业准备这三个维度。 (2)本研究编制的免费师范生教师职业态度问卷具有较好的信度和效度,可以作为有效的量表来使用,为教育部直属师范院校或相关的教育部门开展职业指导提供参考。 (3)总体上,免费师范生教师职业态度问卷总分及各个维度的得分基本偏高,都高于平均值3,总体上对教师职业持积极态度,维度得分由高到低依次为:职业认知、职业准备、职业情感。 (4)免费师范生外显教师职业态度具有一定的性别差异、年级差异、城乡差异及家庭收入差异。 (5)本研究的单靶内隐联想测验(ST-IAT)的结果显示,免费师范生内隐教师职业态度在总体上偏向积极态度。 (6)免费师范生外显教师职业态度与内隐教师职业态度相关不显著,是两种不同的结构,部分免费师范生在外显态度和内隐态度上表现出分离效应。
[Abstract]:Since the fall of 2007, this year has been the sixth year of the education of free normal students in the immediate normal university of the Ministry of Education. All sectors of society are concerned about the status of the study, the psychological state and the professional attitude of the participants _ free normal students who are the participants of the major strategy for promoting the balanced development of the national education. The attitude of the free normal students to the teacher's occupation is not only directly related to their study and practice, but also to the major problems that the State can achieve in the development of education and the achievement of the goal of education. As a special college student group, the teacher's professional attitude also has a special development law, and its professional attitude has a great relationship with the professional behavior in the future, so it is necessary to make a deep-level investigation and research on the professional attitude of the free normal college students. In order to be able to describe the teacher's professional attitude of the free normal students in a more objective and comprehensive way This study makes a research on the explicit and implicit teachers' professional attitude of the free normal students through the self-made teacher's professional attitude questionnaire and the single-target implicit association test. Research 1: Free Normal College Teachers' Professional Attitude Questionnaire On the basis of combing the previous literature, through the semi-open questionnaire and the semi-structured interview to collect the information, we initially constructed the theoretical structure of the professional attitude of the free normal teacher's teacher: the professional cognition, the professional feeling and the grade. The preparation of the industry. On the basis of this, the initial preparation of the initial The questionnaire is to be measured. In the first 400 people, the exploratory factor analysis of 340 effective questionnaires is carried out, and three factors are extracted: occupational cognition, occupational emotion and grade. The preparation of the industry. After the reasonable revision, the professional attitude of the free normal teacher is being formed. The questionnaire: A questionnaire of 1180, of which the effective questionnaire 9 13. The reliability of Cronbach's coefficient of internal consistency was used as the index of reliability test, and all the dimensions and the total questionnaire were found to have good reliability. The content validity of the questionnaire was evaluated by 18 relevant experts, and the content effect of the questionnaire was found. The degree of validity is good; the structural validity is checked by the correlation coefficient matrix and the confirmatory factor analysis, and the statistical requirements of the questionnaire preparation are found through the statistical finding; the positive validity selects the free normal college students' professional identification index, and finds that the two are obviously positive and the questionnaire has good real The above research shows that the free normal teacher's professional attitude questionnaire has good reliability and validity, and can be used as a stable and stable measure to measure the professional attitude of the free normal teacher. A Study on the Effect Tool. Study 2: The Professional Attitude of the Implicit Teachers in the Free Normal School The results of the experiment were as follows:80 of the free normal students were selected, and the test was carried out using the single-target implicit association test (ST-IAT). The results showed that the mean value of the D-effect was 0.18. The result of the test was that the teacher's professional bias had been tested as a whole. In that positive attitude, the match comparison test of the compatible task and the incompatible task is also found to be significantly shorter than the reaction of the incompatible task at the time of the compatibility task reaction, and also the overall test is positive for the teacher's occupation. A Study on the Implicit Attitude of the Teacher's Professional Attitude to the Free Normal Students; The study of the relationship between the attitude and attitude. The total score of the total free normal teacher's professional attitude questionnaire and the scores of each dimension are higher than the average value of 3. The profession holds a positive attitude. The teacher's professional attitude to the outside of the free normal college has a certain gender, the grade, the city and the countryside It is found that the explicit measurement and the implicit measurement are not significant, and they are two different structures in this study. In the course of the study, we can obtain the results. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) The teacher's professional attitude of the free normal student is a multi-dimensional structure, including the professional cognition and the professional feeling. (2) The free normal teacher professional attitude questionnaire prepared by the study has good reliability and validity, can be used as a valid scale, and can be used as a normal university or related education directly under the Ministry of Education. (3) In general, the total score and the score of each dimension of the free normal teacher's professional attitude questionnaire are higher than the average value of 3. The positive attitude and the dimension score of the teacher's occupation are in turn from high to low. (4) There is a certain gender difference in the professional attitude of the teachers in the field of free normal students (5) The results of the single-target implicit association test (ST-IAT) of this study show that it is free of charge. (6) There is no significant difference between the professional attitude of the teachers and the professional attitude of the implicit teachers, and they are two different structures, and some of them are free of charge


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