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发布时间:2019-07-09 13:21
【摘要】:当代中国主流文化是国家的根本价值之所在,是国家强大凝聚力之源泉,是社会意识形态和国家文化安全的重中之重。在21世纪的今天,要使我国由文化古国、文化大国变成文化强国,就必须加强当代中国主流文化建设,努力提升社会各界人士对当代中国主流文化的认同度。 大学生是中国未来社会发展的中坚力量。他们思想活跃,自尊意识突出,成才愿望强烈。然而,大学生也正处于理想信念成型期,容易受到新鲜刺激的不良文化诱惑而形成错误的价值导向,,进而怀疑或否定当代中国主流文化所倡导的价值理念。面对这种境况,我国高校思想政治教育工作者要从大学生的特征出发,了解大学生的文化需求,注重心理疏导,体现当代中国主流文化的现实关怀,从而促进大学生对当代中国主流文化的认同。 本文首先在系统梳理大学生对当代中国主流文化认同的概念和相关理论的基础上,就大学生对当代中国主流文化的认同现状进行了实证研究。调查结果表明,大学生对当代中国主流文化的认同现状总体上与主流意识形态的导向相一致,但大学生在认知认同、情感认同和行为认同方面仍然存在着一定的问题。通过进一步分析,本文认为导致这些问题存在的原因集中体现在主流文化自身、文化传播、学校教育、大学生自身等方面。最后,本文依据大学生对当代中国主流文化认同的现状及问题,有针对性地提出了提升大学生对当代中国主流文化认同度的一系列原则和对策,具体原则包括:主导性与多样性、理想性与现实性、集体性与个体性、理论性与实践性相统一等原则;具体对策包括:通过丰富主流文化内容,促进大学生对当代中国主流文化的感性认知;通过创新文化传播手段,促进大学生对当代中国主流文化的理性认可;通过改进教育教学方法,促进大学生对当代中国主流文化的情感接受;通过注重现实发展需要,促进大学生对当代中国主流文化的体验认同。
[Abstract]:Contemporary Chinese mainstream culture is the fundamental value of the country, the source of strong cohesion of the country, and the top priority of social ideology and national cultural security. In the 21st century, in order to change our country from an ancient cultural country to a cultural power, we must strengthen the construction of the mainstream culture of contemporary China and strive to enhance the identity of people from all walks of life to the mainstream culture of contemporary China. College students are the backbone of China's future social development. They have an active mind, a prominent sense of self-esteem and a strong desire to become a talent. However, college students are also in a period of ideal and belief shaping, vulnerable to the temptation of new and stimulated bad culture to form the wrong value orientation, and then doubt or negate the value concept advocated by the mainstream culture of contemporary China. In the face of this situation, the ideological and political educators in colleges and universities in our country should proceed from the characteristics of college students, understand the cultural needs of college students, pay attention to psychological guidance, and embody the realistic care of the mainstream culture of contemporary China, so as to promote the identity of college students to the mainstream culture of contemporary China. First of all, on the basis of systematically combing the concept and related theories of college students' identity with contemporary Chinese mainstream culture, this paper makes an empirical study on the present situation of college students' identity to contemporary Chinese mainstream culture. The results show that the status quo of college students' identity to contemporary Chinese mainstream culture is generally consistent with the orientation of mainstream ideology, but there are still some problems in cognitive identity, emotional identity and behavior identity of college students. Through further analysis, this paper argues that the reasons for these problems are mainly reflected in the mainstream culture itself, cultural communication, school education, college students themselves and so on. Finally, according to the present situation and problems of college students' identity with contemporary Chinese mainstream culture, this paper puts forward a series of principles and countermeasures to improve college students' identity with contemporary Chinese mainstream culture, including: dominance and diversity, ideality and reality, collectivity and individuality, theory and practicality, etc. The concrete countermeasures include: promoting the perceptual cognition of college students to the mainstream culture of contemporary China by enriching the contents of mainstream culture; promoting the rational recognition of the mainstream culture of contemporary China by innovating the means of cultural communication; promoting the emotional acceptance of college students to the mainstream culture of contemporary China by improving the educational and teaching methods; and promoting the experiential identity of college students to the mainstream culture of contemporary China by paying attention to the needs of realistic development.


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