[Abstract]:We have been involved in the construction of teaching staff for more than 20 years, and we have realized that teamwork mechanism plays an important role in it. The specific methods are as follows: (1) to set up a team: 7 teachers and subject leaders with positive ideological style are selected from the teaching and research rooms and adjacent departments of the college to form a team, and each member participates in the construction of the teaching team through leading role. (2) create a pleasant and United working atmosphere: a good working atmosphere is conducive to each teacher's efficient study and work. Team leaders play a key role in creating this atmosphere. On the premise of continuously improving their own quality, the responsible person takes the development of the subject and each teacher as the work goal, arouses the enthusiasm of each member of the team and team, and provides true help for him to study for his degree, promotion and housing at the same time. Through the active participation and conscious maintenance of all members, a harmonious atmosphere of mutual respect, unity and cooperation, complementary advantages and common progress can be formed in the team and the teaching and research room. (3) discipline development promotes the team construction: subject development and the construction of the teaching staff are the cause and effect of each other. Team members come from different disciplines and provide conditions for the construction of integrated teaching content and model as well as interdisciplinary research. Young teachers are trained in teaching and scientific research thinking methods and practical ability in the team members' research group. Through the leading role of the team members and the cooperation mechanism between the research groups, the new achievements and new topics of teaching and research are constantly produced, the highly educated talents are attracted to join the teaching team, and the development of the subject and the teaching team is promoted, and the comprehensive quality of each teacher is improved.
【作者单位】: 泸州医学院高等医学教育研究所;泸州医学院病理生理学教研室;泸州医学院生理学教研室;
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