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发布时间:2020-11-22 17:52
   随着经济的迅速增长,中国正飞跃成为世界最大的服装消费国。本论文的目的在于中对韩两国大学生的服装购买行为和人口统计差异进行比较,进而明确阐述中国消费者的特有特征。 本论文从理论研究上对服装购买导向的概念进行考虑,并制定了消费者分类的标准。为了进行实证性研究,本论文设计了问卷,并对首尔与上海的300名大学生进行了问卷调查。 在问卷调查的基础上,本文首先调查了韩中两国消费者的服装购买导向,并对消费者进行了分类;其次,对已分类的团体之间的服装购买行为与人口统计学的特性进行了分析比较:再次,对韩中两国消费者的分布状况进行了调查,对同一消费者团体内的服装购买行为与人口统计学的差异进行了阐明;最后,对中国消费者购买韩国服装产品的现况进行了研究,并说明了中国消费者对韩国服装产品的评价与信息获得方式。 在实证研究的基础上,本文提出了韩国服装企业针对中国消费者的服装营销战
Table of Contents
List of Tables and Figures
Ⅰ. Introduction
    1.1 The necessity and meaning of a research
    1.2 Purpose of the research
    1.3 Methodologies
        1.3.1 Why shanghai and Seoul?
        1.3.2 Why University students?
    1.4 Framework of the study
Ⅱ. Theoretical background
    2.1 Clothing shopping orientation
    2.2 Clothing purchasing behavior
Ⅲ. Method and procedure of empirical study
    3.1 Research problem
    3.2 Research method and procedures
        3.2.1 Research method
        3.2.2 Data collection and Analysis method
Ⅳ. Result and discussion of analysis
    4.1 Classification of consumer according to clothing shopping orientation
        4.1.1 Shopping orientation
        4.1.2 Classification of consumer groups according to clothing shopping orientation
    4.2 Difference between different types of clothing shopping orientation
        4.2.1 Difference in clothing purchase behavior between groups
        4.2.2 Difference of demography properties between grorps
    4.3 Comparing purchase behavior and consumer type between Korean and Chineseconsumers
        4.3.1 Comparison of consumer type distribution between Korean and Chinese consumers
        4.3.2 Difference in clothing purchase behavior according to country within identical consumer type
        4.3.3 Demographic difference according to clothing shopping orientations between Korea and China
    4.4 Chinese consumer's actual purchase condition of Korean clothing product
        4.4.1 Actual purchase condition of Korean clothing product
        4.4.2 Evaluation and source of information for Korean clothing product
V. Conclusion and proposal
    5.1 Conclusion
    5.2 Marketing implication and proposal
        5.2.1 Marketing implication
        5.2.2 Limitations of research and proposal


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