发布时间:2022-12-22 06:49
本文试图分析当前美国高等教育的发展状况和改革趋势,以及它给中国的高等教育改革带来的一些启示。 文章共分为六个章节: 第一章主要介绍自1636年美国建立第一所学院以来,在美国高等教育发展史上四个主要的发展阶段,包括:学院创建阶段;实验与多样化阶段;现代大学的兴起以及高等教育的扩大。 第二章主要阐述美国高等教育的五个基本特点。从这些特点中,可以发现美国高等教育之所以世界一流它的优势所在。 第三章主要讨论当前美国高等教育发展所面临的一些难题。财政困难、本科教育质量下滑以及如何满足社会上对高等教育巨大需求等问题是本章节讨论的重点。 第四章则侧重分析对美国高等教育发展有重大影响的四个因素,包括政治、科技、经济和社会等方面的因素。 第五章详细阐述本文的重点内容,即当前美国高等教育改革中的重要变化。它主要包括五个方面的变化:重视本科教育;大力发展远程教育;降低成本,提高办学效益;加速科技成果转化以及高等教育的国际化。 第六章提出本文的观点,即美国的...
【文章页数】:57 页
Chapter 1 History of the Development of American Higher Education
1.1 Phase of Founding Colleges 1636-1776
1.2 Phase of Experiment and Diversity 1776-1865
1.3 Rise of the American University 1866-1917
1.4 Expansion of Higher Education 1918-1990
Chapter 2 Characteristics of American Higher Education
2.1 Diversity of American Higher Education Structure
2.2 Multilevel of American Institutes of Higher Learning
2.3 Flexibility of Administration and Teaching
2.4 Independence of Running Schools
2.5 Openness of Ways of Running Schools and Teaching Patterns
Chapter 3 Problems Facing American Higher Education
3.1 Financial Difficulties
3.2 Decline of Undergraduate Education Quality
3.3 Problem of How to Meet the Great Social Demand for Higher Education
Chapter 4 Factors Influencing American Higher Education
4.1 Political Factor
4.2 Scientific and Technological Factor
4.3 Economic Factor
4.4 Social Factor
Chapter 5 Current American Higher Education
5.1 Emphasis on Undergraduate Education
5.2 Development of Distance Education on a Large Scale
5.3 Reduction of Cost and Improvement of the Benefit of Running Schools
5.4 Acceleration of the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Advances
5.5 Internationalization of Higher Education
Chapter 6 Implications for Chinese Higher Education Reform
6.1 Implication for Curriculum Reform: Stress on General Education
6.2 Implication for Financial Reform: Reduction of the Cost of Running Schools
6.3 Implication for Teaching Means Reform: Great Development of Distance Education
6.4 Implication for Scientific Research Reform: Good Transfer of Scientific and Technological Advances
6.5 Implication for Educational Thought Reform: Educational Internationalization
【文章页数】:57 页
Chapter 1 History of the Development of American Higher Education
1.1 Phase of Founding Colleges 1636-1776
1.2 Phase of Experiment and Diversity 1776-1865
1.3 Rise of the American University 1866-1917
1.4 Expansion of Higher Education 1918-1990
Chapter 2 Characteristics of American Higher Education
2.1 Diversity of American Higher Education Structure
2.2 Multilevel of American Institutes of Higher Learning
2.3 Flexibility of Administration and Teaching
2.4 Independence of Running Schools
2.5 Openness of Ways of Running Schools and Teaching Patterns
Chapter 3 Problems Facing American Higher Education
3.1 Financial Difficulties
3.2 Decline of Undergraduate Education Quality
3.3 Problem of How to Meet the Great Social Demand for Higher Education
Chapter 4 Factors Influencing American Higher Education
4.1 Political Factor
4.2 Scientific and Technological Factor
4.3 Economic Factor
4.4 Social Factor
Chapter 5 Current American Higher Education
5.1 Emphasis on Undergraduate Education
5.2 Development of Distance Education on a Large Scale
5.3 Reduction of Cost and Improvement of the Benefit of Running Schools
5.4 Acceleration of the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Advances
5.5 Internationalization of Higher Education
Chapter 6 Implications for Chinese Higher Education Reform
6.1 Implication for Curriculum Reform: Stress on General Education
6.2 Implication for Financial Reform: Reduction of the Cost of Running Schools
6.3 Implication for Teaching Means Reform: Great Development of Distance Education
6.4 Implication for Scientific Research Reform: Good Transfer of Scientific and Technological Advances
6.5 Implication for Educational Thought Reform: Educational Internationalization