research capability 的翻译结果
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research capability
Brief discussion on library and development of students scientific research capability
The successful design of this c language decoder gives a very good foundation for further design of hardware decoder, enhancing design and research capability of VLSI center in digital audio field.
因此本论文用C语言对DOLBY AC3解码器成功的进行了系统级设计和验证,为硬件解码器的设计奠定了良好的基础,也增强了VLSI设计中心在数字音频领域的科研能力。
In the college library, as a center supplying information and data, should provide adequate information conditions and scientific research environment for teachers,should become an important organization providing extensive reading and building rational knowledge structure for students, should turn into the students' most important activity place outside the class and make due contribution to improve students' scientific research capability.
On the Training of Scientific Research Capability of the Teachers Who Work in Special Schools
Lab instruction plays a special role in the cultivation of innovational spirit and practical ability for students. Lab is an important base for the cultivation of professional skills and research capability of students.
Policy of higher teacher education is to combine lecture and application,to combine research method and research capability, etc.
高师研究性学习的原则 :研究方法知识的讲授与应用研究方法相结合 ,传授研究方法与培养研究能力相结合 ,开设研究性学习课程与教学改革相结合 ,集体、小组与个人研究相结合 ;
Investment banks have mighty industry and project research capability and could provide venture corporations with information, management, finance and capital support, so investment banks could effectively expand the venture capital investment activity.
Then educational development pushs the educational researcher to conspicuous position, meanwhile, it sets more high demands for educational researchers' research capability and stand.
The Understanding on Enhancing the Research Capability of the Doctoral Students of Agro-forestry Economy and Management
Improving technology level and research capability,making contribution for the development of Shandong with science & technology——Review on the first symposiums of Geophysical Society of Shandong Province
Strengthening Research Capability and Improving Construction of Key School Subjects
增强科研实力 促进重点学科建设
Qualitative studies show that the location factors include: regional economic development and market scale, regional scientific research capability and intellectual resources, cluster advantages of regional industries, regional R&D investment environment.
In author's opinion, although universities in the Third World play a very important role within respective country, compared with those in the industrialized counties, they situate at periphery and find themselves at a disadvantage in language, academic infrastructure, research capability and means of communication of knowledge, et al.
作者认为 ,第三世界大学在各自国内发挥着重要作用 ,但是相对于工业化国家大学而言 ,第三世界大学处于边缘地位 ,在语言、学术基础设施、科研实力、知识交流途径等方面存在着种种不利。
Can strengthen the scientific research capability, Promote scientific and technical innovation;
Improving the Research Capability of Multi-value Coding Genetic Algorithms by Finding Schema Genes
Scientometric study on scientific research capability in China on the first half of the 20~(th) century
The Theoretical Foundation and Analysis Framework on Research Capability of M&A
Chinese government selected the direction as one of the key efforts in astronomy: started the Large-Area Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) project to enhance the research capability in the area.
中国也己确定星系形成与演化作为我国天文学科发展的国家目标之一 ,在国家重大科学工程中安排大天区面积多目标光纤光谱天文望远镜———LAMOST以增加我国在这一重大领域的竞争力。
Some hindrances in the development of Pengjie atomizer industrial clusters are identified, the scarcity of enterprises resource, research capability and entrepreneurship, the slowness of market responses, the illegibility of enterprise development strategy and industrial development policy.
查询“research capability”译词为用户自定义的双语例句
research capability
It emphasizes incentives, coordination and research capability with special attention to the chronically mentally ill.
They are used in policy-level applications to look at industrial research capability from a national or regional viewpoint comparing, for example, EU regional technology with that of Japan and North America.
We believe that this expanded research capability has considerable promise in biology and medicine.
We will show that Korea's knowledge-generating mechanism has serious drawbacks, among others, the weakness of university's research capability.
The scope was to expand current research capability by eliminating both the dependence on equipment sets and the cable-based networking.
Gezhouba-Shanghai HVDC transmission project is the first bulk power and long distance HVDC project in China. It was put into operation in Aug.1990. In the preliminary study of this project, the commissioning test as well as the technical service in commercial operation, a lot of works have been done by the power system department of EPRI, Ministry of Energy. This paper describes briefly some aspects of this work and introduces the research capability in HVDC project, which has been accumulated from this...
Gezhouba-Shanghai HVDC transmission project is the first bulk power and long distance HVDC project in China. It was put into operation in Aug.1990. In the preliminary study of this project, the commissioning test as well as the technical service in commercial operation, a lot of works have been done by the power system department of EPRI, Ministry of Energy. This paper describes briefly some aspects of this work and introduces the research capability in HVDC project, which has been accumulated from this work.
By comparing with the world advanced counterpart,how far the Chinese coatings industry lags behind?What'sthe current situation?How we may speed up the development of the Chinese coatings industry?The author makesthe comparison from various aspects such as the new products development, scientific investments, environment protection, products structure, research capabilities, technicalinterchanges with outside world. The comparison renectsauthentically the malpractices existing domestic coatings enterpriese...
By comparing with the world advanced counterpart,how far the Chinese coatings industry lags behind?What'sthe current situation?How we may speed up the development of the Chinese coatings industry?The author makesthe comparison from various aspects such as the new products development, scientific investments, environment protection, products structure, research capabilities, technicalinterchanges with outside world. The comparison renectsauthentically the malpractices existing domestic coatings enterpriese currently and finds out the gaps. The authordemonstrates his original view and insight from this comparsion.
Since the State Key Laboratory of Ocean Engineering at Shanghai Jiaotong University was completed in June 1992,new experimental instruments and equipment have been developed through scientific researches on basic,applied and important engineering projects.The experimental research capability of the laboratory is increasingly improved .In this paper ,the new development of experimental technique in the laboratory in recent four years is comprehensively introduced in brief.
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