发布时间:2019-03-02 17:54
【摘要】: 侗族婴幼儿家庭教育在本民族发展历史上发挥着巨大的作用,尤其是在专门的幼儿教育机构尚未建立起的侗族传统社会中,家庭几乎独自承担了婴幼儿教育的全部重任。一代代侗族父母正是通过家庭教育使子女完成了最初的社会化和民族化,培养出了符合社会规范的合格的继替者,从而保证了侗文化得以传承和本民族能够后继有人。 侗族人民在长期的家教实践中也总结出了具有本民族特色的家庭教育经验和传统,它们不仅是侗族文化的重要组成部分,也是我国少数民族家庭教育宝库中不可或缺的内容,但随着历史的发展、社会的变迁,这些家教传统中的许多内容正经历着变更、消亡,所以对它们进行及时的挖掘和整理是十分必要且意义重大的,这将有助于侗族家庭教育传统文化的保护、继承和发扬。 但同时必须看到由于受当时生产力水平低、认识能力有限等客观条件的影响,这些家教传统中不可避免地夹杂着许多消极的成分,因此我们也需要对它们进行仔细的研究、甄别,分析各种家教活动给婴幼儿身心发展带来怎样的影响,为传承中的扬弃工作提供一个评判的标准。 广西三江县是全国侗族自治县中侗族人口最多的一个县,而且位于传统文化保留相对完整的南部侗族地区,具有较强的代表性,因此笔者选择此地的侗族婴幼儿家庭教育作为研究对象,通过采用田野调查法和文献法,梳理总结出了三江县侗族家庭婴幼儿教育传统,并运用家庭教育学、发展心理学方面的理论对其进行了解读,分析了这些家教传统对婴幼儿身心发展所带来的各种正向或负向的影响,并试图找出其中值得我们学习和借鉴的内容。 文章共分为五个部分。第一部分绪论中包括本文的选题缘由、核心概念界定、侗族和三江的概况以及本文研究方法等四个方面的内容。 第二部分主要分析三江侗族传统的婚姻家庭制度对婴幼儿家庭教育所带来的影响,其中最突出的一点体现在侗族传统婚俗突出了生育目的,强调了父母的责任,保证了双系抚育的长期实现。 第三部分的研究重点是三江侗族家庭在子女胎儿期、婴儿期所进行的保育活动,分析它们对儿童身心发展所带来的影响。 第四部分把三江侗族传统的家庭教育内容分成了六个方面,依次分析了每一部分家教活动中所运用的具体方法及给儿童带来的各种影响。 最后的结语部分是笔者对全文进行的思考和总结,并指出了文章的局限和不足所在。
[Abstract]:The family education of children and young children of Dong nationality plays a great role in the history of the development of their own nation, especially in the traditional society of Dong nationality, which has not been established by special institutions of early childhood education, the family has assumed almost all the important tasks of infant and early childhood education alone. It is through family education that the parents of Dong nationality in one generation completed the initial socialization and nationalization of their children, and cultivated qualified successors in line with social norms, thus ensuring the inheritance of Dong culture and the successor of their own nation. In the long-term practice of family education, the Dong people have also summed up the family education experiences and traditions with their own national characteristics. They are not only an important part of the Dong culture, but also an indispensable content in the treasure house of family education for ethnic minorities in China. However, with the development of history and the change of society, many of the contents of these traditions are undergoing changes and demise, so it is very necessary and significant to excavate and organize them in a timely manner. This will help Dong family education traditional culture protection, inheritance and development. But at the same time, we must also see that due to the low level of productivity at the time, limited cognitive capacity and other objective conditions, these traditions inevitably contain a lot of negative elements, so we also need to study them carefully. To screen and analyze the influence of all kinds of tutoring activities on infant's physical and mental development, and to provide a standard of judgment for the inheritance and abandonment of infant's body and mind. Sanjiang County, Guangxi, is one of the counties with the largest Dong population in the Dong Autonomous County of China, and it is located in the southern Dong minority area where the traditional culture is relatively intact, and it has a strong representation. Therefore, the author chose the family education of Dong nationality as the research object, and summarized the tradition of family education of Dong nationality in Sanjiang County by using field investigation and literature method, and applied family pedagogy. Based on the theory of developmental psychology, this paper analyzes the positive or negative effects of these traditions on the physical and mental development of infants and young children, and tries to find out the contents worthy of our study and reference. The article is divided into five parts. The first part of the introduction includes the reasons for choosing the topic, the definition of the core concept, the general situation of Dong nationality and Sanjiang, and the research methods of this paper. The second part mainly analyzes the influence of Sanjiang Dong nationality's traditional marriage and family system on infant's family education, in which the most prominent point is that the traditional marriage custom of Dong nationality highlights the purpose of childbearing and emphasizes the responsibility of parents. The long-term realization of bilineage is guaranteed. The third part focuses on the nursing activities of Sanjiang Dong family during their childbearing and infancy, and analyzes their influence on children's physical and mental development. The fourth part divides the traditional family education contents of Sanjiang Dong nationality into six aspects, and analyzes the concrete methods used in each part of the family education activities and the various influences on children in turn. The last part of the conclusion is the author's thinking and summary of the full text, and points out the limitations and shortcomings of the article.
[Abstract]:The family education of children and young children of Dong nationality plays a great role in the history of the development of their own nation, especially in the traditional society of Dong nationality, which has not been established by special institutions of early childhood education, the family has assumed almost all the important tasks of infant and early childhood education alone. It is through family education that the parents of Dong nationality in one generation completed the initial socialization and nationalization of their children, and cultivated qualified successors in line with social norms, thus ensuring the inheritance of Dong culture and the successor of their own nation. In the long-term practice of family education, the Dong people have also summed up the family education experiences and traditions with their own national characteristics. They are not only an important part of the Dong culture, but also an indispensable content in the treasure house of family education for ethnic minorities in China. However, with the development of history and the change of society, many of the contents of these traditions are undergoing changes and demise, so it is very necessary and significant to excavate and organize them in a timely manner. This will help Dong family education traditional culture protection, inheritance and development. But at the same time, we must also see that due to the low level of productivity at the time, limited cognitive capacity and other objective conditions, these traditions inevitably contain a lot of negative elements, so we also need to study them carefully. To screen and analyze the influence of all kinds of tutoring activities on infant's physical and mental development, and to provide a standard of judgment for the inheritance and abandonment of infant's body and mind. Sanjiang County, Guangxi, is one of the counties with the largest Dong population in the Dong Autonomous County of China, and it is located in the southern Dong minority area where the traditional culture is relatively intact, and it has a strong representation. Therefore, the author chose the family education of Dong nationality as the research object, and summarized the tradition of family education of Dong nationality in Sanjiang County by using field investigation and literature method, and applied family pedagogy. Based on the theory of developmental psychology, this paper analyzes the positive or negative effects of these traditions on the physical and mental development of infants and young children, and tries to find out the contents worthy of our study and reference. The article is divided into five parts. The first part of the introduction includes the reasons for choosing the topic, the definition of the core concept, the general situation of Dong nationality and Sanjiang, and the research methods of this paper. The second part mainly analyzes the influence of Sanjiang Dong nationality's traditional marriage and family system on infant's family education, in which the most prominent point is that the traditional marriage custom of Dong nationality highlights the purpose of childbearing and emphasizes the responsibility of parents. The long-term realization of bilineage is guaranteed. The third part focuses on the nursing activities of Sanjiang Dong family during their childbearing and infancy, and analyzes their influence on children's physical and mental development. The fourth part divides the traditional family education contents of Sanjiang Dong nationality into six aspects, and analyzes the concrete methods used in each part of the family education activities and the various influences on children in turn. The last part of the conclusion is the author's thinking and summary of the full text, and points out the limitations and shortcomings of the article.
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