This article take our country Normal University under the Ministry of education including the Shaanxi Normal University, Southwestern University, Beijing Normal University, Huazhong Normal University, East China Normal University and Northeast Normal University (hereinafter referred to as the Shaanxi Normal University, Beijing Normal University, the Southwestern University, Huazhong Normal University, East China Normal University and Northeast Normal University) physical education professional training programs as the research object, analysis of normal students free education policy subordinates for physical education major of normal university the current situation of cultivation scheme, using the method of literature, mathematical statistics, logic comparison method, RSR evaluation methods, outlines the social, personnel training goals and curriculum setting for the relationship between subordinates, analysis of normal university physical education professional training target, talent standard, curriculum (general courses, professional courses module module, teacher education curriculum module, practice curriculum module) and other content, discuss the subordinate normal university physical education curriculum setting characteristics come to the following conclusions:(1) The subordinate normal university sports education specialized training goal basically accord with the needs of society for talents of mainstream ideology; personnel training specification basically reflects the demand that develops a target. The positioning of talent training objective is not clear; the requirement of talent cultivation of legal culture, moral personality and aesthetic quality of attention.(2) In physical education curriculum structure proportion, and increase the proportion of elective courses in the current university sports curriculum reform and development trend does not suit.(3) In the physical education specialty course hours and credits distribution, Southwestern University course assignment of integrated level is higher, the central China Normal University in the course credit allocation integrated level high. The subordinate Normal University in the period distribution for different module courses total hours and total credits, in different period and credit allocation module courses exist deficiencies. (4) In the general module of elective courses and required courses, Shaanxi Normal University in general module course hours and credits assigned comprehensive level is more reasonable, Huazhong Normal University elective courses in general module period and credit allocation more reasonable comprehensive level. Analysis showed that general required courses, involving the old module with a narrow range of subject knowledge.(5) The subject foundation of module curriculum, Northeast Normal University in basic module course credits provided comprehensive higher level. In order to meet the basic physical education curriculum new curriculum needs, six subordinate normal colleges in the basic modules are adjusted, the lack of curriculum reform of basic education is linked to the course.(6) In the professional curriculum, Beijing Normal University in the professional required course credits assigned comprehensive level is higher, the central China Normal University in major elective credits distribution integrated level high. The professional module course credit allocation value drops, professional module elective course content types imbalance.(7) In the teacher education curriculum, the subordinate Normal University Teacher Education in the curriculum is not reasonable, the curriculum of teacher education compulsory and elective courses, course credits assigned low proportion. In the practice of module, the subordinate normal university scientific research content and practice time is relatively concentrated, the lack of normative education practice class.(8) To the subordinate normal university sports education specialized training program structure file sort of analysis, central China Normal University in training program curriculum integrated level is higher, the other subordinate Normal University to develop training programs for reference.For the subordinate normal university curriculum program of physical education in some of the problems put forward some optimized measures:(1) In combination with China’s basic education condition and requirement, free normal students practice platform and normal graduates feedback information for research, to develop targeted and guidance of physical education specialty of high normal students free training objectives and specifications.(2)The subordinate normal university physical education curriculum, the curriculum to normal students free education as the guidance, combining with the basic education reform and development is actual, comprehensive school advantage, regional characteristics and students’ practical experience feedback to integrate and optimize curriculum, focusing on the development and basic teaching close relation course.(3) In the general education curriculum, to make rational use of free normal university is a comprehensive discipline system resources, provided rich school general platform courses for students to study, reasonable adjust general platform module curriculum structure, optimize the curriculum assignment, meet the students majoring in Physical Education in common needs, and from the system on the norm and students to meet the general module elective demand.(4) In the basic module curriculum curriculum, enriching course content reflects the subject basis, appropriate to increase the local characteristics of the project, meet the basic physical education curriculum reform demand. The professional module courses, in the setting of elective courses to give a certain degree of freedom, the pursuit of elective courses and elective setting, according to the social and physical education development needs to change, if necessary to allow to supplement or replace.(5) The subordinate normal university physical education curriculum should focus on highlighting" normal" characteristic, expand teacher education curriculum modules, enrich teacher education theory of knowledge, widen the educational teaching practice mode, increase teacher education curriculum credits allocated proportion, to develop a viable teaching practice scheme. Reasonable allocation of educational practice time, strengthen educational practice management, establishment of effective practice feedback platform, improve education quality.(6) Under normal students free education policy, the subordinate normal university according to the actual situation of rich talent cultivation model for physical education, deepen the research of PE curriculum teaching for physical education major, rich of free normal students training measures, strengthen intercollegiate cooperation, promote the normal university outstanding achievement between learning and communication, will in the process of training practice with feedback the research results are summarized, promoting physical education professional training programs reasonable construction process.
教育部直属师范大学体育教育专业培养方案分析研究 摘要3-6Abstract6-81 前言11-16 1.1 选题依据11-12 1.2 研究意义12-13 1.3 国内外体育教育专业培养方案研究现状13-16 1.3.1 国外体育教育专业培养方案研究现状13-14 1.3.2 国内体育教育专业培养方案研究现状14-162 研究对象与方法16-18 2.1 研究对象16 2.2 研究方法16-18 2.2.1 文献综述法16 2.2.2 数理统计法16 2.2.3 逻辑分析法16 2.2.4 秩和比评价法16-183 分析与讨论18-53 3.1 培养目标及培养规格分析18-24 3.1.1 社会需求、培养目标和课程设置关系分析18-19 3.1.2 体育教育本科专业课程方案(教学计划)的培养目标19-20 3.1.3 部属师范大学体育教育专业人才培养目标20-22 3.1.4 部属师范大学体育教育专业人才培养规格22-24 3.2 体育教育专业培养方案的课程设置24-28 3.2.1 体育教育专业课程结构24-26 3.2.2 体育教育专业培养方案中课程比例分析26-28 3.3 体育教育专业课程学时、学分分析28-33 3.3.1 体育教育专业课程学时28-31 3.3.2 体育教育专业课程学分31-33 3.4 体育教育专业课程模块33-51 3.4.1 体育教育专业课程通识模块33-37 3.4.2 体育教育专业学科基础模块课程37-40 3.4.3 体育教育专业专业课程模块40-46 3.4.4 体育教育专业教师教育模块课程46-49 3.4.5 体育教育专业课程实践模块49-50 3.4.6 体育教育专业课程各学期开课门数50-51 3.5 部属师范大学体育教育专业培养方案结构分档排序51-534 结论与建议53-55 4.1 结论53-54 4.2 建议54-55参考文献55-59致谢59-60攻读学位期间的研究成果60