本文关键词:富士康郑州科技园工间操推广研究 出处:《河南大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Between the first began in the last century in 50s, was an important part of enterprises and institutions of our country sports activities, but also an important part of the national fitness activities. In 90s, the market economy has become the mainstream, the increasing time of growth and pressure, so that the break gradually left out. In recent years, with the development of sports in our country, the concept of national fitness is accepted by more and more people working, returned to the public view. Chinese Foxconn as the largest foundry, a series of security incidents in recent years due to the widespread social concern for this phenomenon, Foxconn Zhengzhou science and Technology Park executives to make corresponding measures, sports is one of exercises is an important part of sports activities in the plan. For working practice can effectively alleviate the enterprise workers because of body fatigue maintain a specific working posture caused by long-term adjustment, brought about by the repetition of a single work pressure between the promotion can effectively promote the development of sports workers in enterprises. This paper takes Foxconn Zhengzhou science and technology park between the promotion as the research object, through the literature, expert interviews, questionnaire survey, mathematical statistics and logical analysis of Foxconn Zhengzhou science and Technology Park's basic situation, basic information of the workers, between the implementation of the status, the main problems existing in the process of popularization and promotion of the major influencing factors deep research, put forward the corresponding strategies for the existing Foxconn promotion problem between the Zhengzhou science and technology park. Through the analysis the following conclusions: 1, Foxconn Zhengzhou science and technology park between the occupied space is small, targeted, can make full use of limited time and venue for exercise, to eliminate muscle fatigue, the staff is of great significance to ease the mental pressure of employees. 2, Foxconn Zhengzhou science and Technology Park workshop production line staff aged 20 to 30, the majority of junior and senior high school education, educational level is relatively low, in terms of understanding will be subject to certain restrictions, but relatively strong ability to accept new things, in the promotion of the staff between the most things do not understand, but in between the exercise the strong will, that is very necessary to carry out exercises in the enterprise, but there is also a part of staff training consciousness weak. 3. The teaching methods of training teachers are varied and the teaching level is high. It can teach and mobilize the enthusiasm of the employees according to the specific situation of the staff. 4, due to the lack of key employees further consolidate the training, resulting in the backbone of the staff the deviation in the process of teaching skill, affects between the promotion; in between the training of employees, training equipment can be met, but is due to the excessive number of work and time limit appeared lack of staff training, time limited site etc.. Related to the leadership of 5, Foxconn Zhengzhou science and technology parks have positive attitude to work with, but the company did not formulate relevant rules and ethical system; part of the workshop supervisor to love or to break between less disapproval, more consideration is the amount of work, consider less of a staff the meeting between the spirit and the relevant provisions do not upload issued, which affects the spread between the. 6, Foxconn Zhengzhou science and Technology Park rich multimedia resources, but rarely used for publicity between the relevant knowledge, and promote the enterprise production season has great impact on the break. Recommendations: 1, regulations: formulate rules and regulations about the corresponding exercises, for example: the implementation of reward system between the good workshop of certain material and spiritual rewards, not good to carry out the workshop to implement corresponding punitive measures, and will break into the workshop supervisor performance appraisal system. 2, publicity: make full use of multimedia equipment, broadcast on between the video and related knowledge; in the enterprise website between the video, so that employees learn to download; between the decomposition of action, action, action, action to the concept of track made into brochures, so that employees in the enterprise for visual learning; the billboards posted and between the related knowledge of the posters; especially in the aspects of the selection between employees as an example of character recognition and publicity. 3, training: to expand the training of teachers, to train more number of key staff, and to strengthen the follow-up training to the backbone of the staff. 4, the game between the game; held regularly, stimulate their ambition, so as to improve the enthusiasm of the staff involved in working forging. 5, the concept: through publicity methods such as changing concept of staff, strengthen the degree of attention to exercises, make staff aware of exercises is a great exercise value movement, so deep inside employees, become a part of life, not a forced to complete the task. 6, professional talent: the introduction of professional aerobics talents and social sports instructors to promote the human resources department and the Central Sports Union, and two units (business group Kang group, human resources the cause of the trade union group) and three units (production in support of UNESCO, will cause Kang punishment), so as to better promote the exercises the development of.
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