本文关键词:中央国家机关网球协会运行模式研究 出处:《北京体育大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着网球运动的快速发展和全民健身计划的进一步实施,网球运动逐渐褪去“贵族运动”的门槛,成为大众热衷的健身项目之一。中央国家机关网球协会自成立以来,一直积极响应中央精神文明建设指导委员会“每天锻炼一小时,健康工作五十年,幸福生活一辈子”的号召,深入贯彻执行国务院《全民健身计划》提出的“每周参加体育锻炼活动不少于3次,每次不少于30分钟”的要求。从前人研究来看,有关全民健身方面的沦文还很少,而中央国家机关网球协会在贯彻全民健身方面做得又比较好,并且形成了有序的运行模式。因此,对中央国家机关网球协会运行模式进行研究,不仅可以指出中央国家机关网球协会运行模式的基本框架、优势与不足;同时也为我国类似于中央国家机关网球协会的组织或团体提供一个借鉴,通过调查研究得出以下结论:1.中央国家机关网球协会在整体上形成了“以培川为基础、以竞赛为杠杆、以组织建设为保证、以交流为纽带”的协会业务工作思路,建立起了稳定的网球培训、竞赛活动基地和规范、适度的网球培训、竞赛、文化等活动体系,但在具体执行上没有充分到位,具体落到实处。2.中央国家机关网球协会的管理模式是:在整体上以稳步推进会员制的实施为龙头,逐步完善协会组织治理结构,按照以会费为基础,以政府购买公共服务为依托,以社会筹集为补充方向,形成“自费公助”的健康消费模式,但具体到各部门网球组织的管理上,则没有针对性的细化,各部门的分级管理需要加强。3.中央国家机关网球协会的培训模式是:以奥体中心网球场地为依托,以高、精、尖的教练为向导, 以精细化、进阶式的培训班为支撑,凭借协会全年无偿为各部门的团体培训和部门交流提供场地与教练的优势,形成了天天有培训--培养兴趣,周周都办班--提高技术的培训模式,但协会的有利资源仅限于协会,并没有分配到各部门网球组织。4.中央国家机关网球协会的竞赛模式是:打造了以积分为向导分时段分单元的全年每月一次的周末分类竞赛格局,竞赛规模逐步增大,比赛场地从一处增加到三处,竞赛裁判在协会原有裁判员团队的基础上,启用北京体育大学学生为主的裁判员团队,在整体上形成了月月有比赛--快乐节日、人人能参加--健身平台、周末来健身—强身健体、常年有交流—推动普及的竞赛模式,但具体到每次的赛事,参赛的次数和比赛的时间并不能满足多数会员的需求。
[Abstract]:With the further implementation of the rapid development of tennis sports and national fitness program, tennis faded "noble sport" threshold, become one of the popular keen fitness project. The central state organs Tennis Association since its inception, has been actively respond to the central Spiritual Civilization Steering Committee "exercise for an hour every day, fifty years of healthy, happy life a lifetime" appeal, further implement the State Council "National Fitness Program" weekly > proposed to participate in physical exercise activities of not less than 3 times, each time not less than 30 minutes ". The previous studies, the fitness aspects of the dissertation are few, and the central state organs in the tennis association do better implement the national fitness, and the formation of the mode of operation of the order. Therefore, to study the operation mode of the central state organs Tennis Association, not only can refer to A basic framework of operation mode of the central state organs Tennis Association, advantages and disadvantages; at the same time as the organization or group of our country is similar to the central state organs Tennis Association to provide a reference, through research the following conclusions: 1. central state organs Tennis Association in whole formed a "culture of Sichuan based on the competition as a lever to ensure the construction of organization, association of business ideas to exchanges", to establish a stable base for tennis training, competitions and norms, moderate tennis training, competitions, cultural activities such as the system, but in actual implementation is not fully in place, the specific implement of.2. Central state organs Tennis Association management mode is on the whole to steadily promote the implementation of the membership of the association as a leader, and gradually improve the organizational governance structure, according to the fee based on the government purchase of public service Based on the social raising to supplement the direction, forming "health consumption patterns at their own expense support", but specific to the various departments of the tennis organization management, there is no specific refinement, all departments need to strengthen the.3. classification management of central state organs Tennis Association training mode is: to the Olympic Sports Center tennis court on in the high, fine, sharp coach for the wizard, to fine, advanced training courses for the support, by virtue of association throughout the year to provide free space for the various departments of the group and the coach training and communication department advantage, forming a training - training interest every day, every week class - improve the technical training mode, but the favorable resources association is only limited to the association, and are not assigned to the various departments of the central state organs organization.4. Tennis Tennis Association competition mode is: to build the integral guide time unit once a month throughout the year The weekend classification competition pattern, scale competition gradually increased, the venue from an increase to three, based on the original competition referee Association referee team, enable Beijing Sport University students referees team, formed a month in the whole game -- a happy holiday, everyone can participate in fitness platform, weekend - physical fitness fitness, perennial exchange to promote the popularity of competition mode, but specific to each event, and the number of competition on time and can not meet the needs of the majority of members.
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