本文关键词:昆明市高尔夫俱乐部球童管理及运行机制研究 出处:《云南师范大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 昆明市高尔夫俱乐部 高尔夫球童 管理运行机制 对策
[Abstract]:Golf is a very attractive sport, it is a can enjoy lifelong exercise, so that people in the nature elegant green environment exercise, edify sentiment, self-cultivation, improve skills, known as the most stylish and elegant sport. Golf caddy is an important part in the game of golf is. To ensure the normal operation of the golf club, is the embodiment of the stadium and the club face quality service. Golf caddy is to help the guests management ball, the selection of clubs, away from the judge, judge the direction, the green line of putt, technical guidance, record performance. Therefore the caddie management mechanism will affect the long-term development of the golf club. The number of golf clubs in Kunming city as the research object, using the method of literature, questionnaire survey method, interview method, field survey method, mathematical statistics and so on, Kunming City golf caddy for investigation and research. In order to understand the management and operation mechanism of Kunming City Golf Club caddy, impact analysis and problems of management and control work in Kunming city when the golf caddie, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures and improvement measures, provide a theoretical basis for the development and management of Yunnan Province Golf Caddy. Results show that the age of 1. in Kunming City Golf Club caddy is generally between 16-30 years old, showing to the youth oriented, the structure is not reasonable. The academic structure of senior high school (secondary school) education level of the majority, the caddy cultural level is generally not high. The sex ratio is not balanced, unbalanced development to caddy team. Foreign language ability major in English, most of the caddy can not use English to communicate with foreign customers, only the palm grip terminology simple. Caddy golf skills Face, only in the practice field and play not to play for a major part of the.2. Kunming City Golf Club caddy management, there are some problems: the assessment criteria of the target is not clear, the content is not clear; monthly income is low, no unified standard; only for the caddy to buy accident insurance, no dividends and bonuses, the Chinese Lunar New Year ball will not the caddy to subsidies; groups of holiday, only weekly rest day, the system is not perfect, lack of humanization; reward single punishment only fines and parking two; the golf club caddy should learn foreign advanced management method and scientific training concept, pay attention to the caddy team construction, and take flexible the incentives to establish a scientific performance appraisal system; perfect the relevant laws and regulations to improve the management of the golf caddy, golf caddy service level, improve facilities.3. Kunming The running system of golf club caddy Ming City, the recruitment process is not a complete refinement of the program; the caddy in the entry formalities when compared blindly, without order; turnover is mainly due to heavy workload, exhaustion, low welfare; caddie training time short, lack of long-term training plan training method the single way, there is no effective assessment system and assessment standards; golf caddie service process system is not perfect; the club did not set cross job training. The relevant government departments should as soon as possible occupation standard golf caddy, golf caddy requirements specification, improve the cultural level of a golf caddie, cross gang and enterprise the co culture system.
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