发布时间:2018-01-13 14:44
本文关键词:上海市高校体育教育专业学生创新能力的现状调查与对策研究 出处:《华东师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:高校体育教育专业学生是未来体育教师的主力军,担负着培养下一代的重大责任。本研究在前人研究的基础上,梳理体育教育专业学生创新能力的内涵和元素,努力培养更多具备创新能力的体育教育专业学生。通过调查与分析上海市高校体育教育专业学生创新能力的现状,针对性地大胆提出培养高校体育教育专业学生创新能力的有关对策,并提出合理化的建议。 本研究运用了文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、个案分析法、数理分析法和逻辑分析法。通过研究,得出以下结论: 1上海市高校体育教育专业学生的创新意识比较强,大多数学生能够意识到创新在体育教学中起到关键性的作用; 2上海市高校体育教育专业学生对创新精神的认识呈现乐观的状态,认为兴趣、情感、意志、信心、恒心等非智力因素起到重要作用; 3上海市高校体育教育专业学生在创新学习能力方面,绝大多数同学仍采用传统式的学习方法,创新学习能力薄弱; 4上海市高校体育教育专业学生在创新思维能力方面,部分同学对思维方式认识有偏差,认为最需要培养的思维是发散性思维; 5上海市高校体育教育专业学生在创新实践能力方面:有着强烈的创新意识,却未取得理想的创新成果; 6影响上海市高校体育教育专业学生创新能力的主观因素主要有:创新意识、创造性思维、思想观念、创新动机、学生的素质、学生的知识等;客观因素:教学内容、学校重视、创新环境、教学评价、教学环境、激励机制等。 为进一步发展和提高上海市高校体育教育专业学生的创新能力,本研究针对调查现状,提出合理化的建议。
[Abstract]:Physical education major students in colleges and universities are the main force of the future physical education teachers, shouldering the great responsibility of cultivating the next generation. Based on the previous studies, this study combs the connotation and elements of the innovation ability of physical education students. Through the investigation and analysis of the status quo of the innovation ability of physical education students in Shanghai colleges and universities. This paper puts forward some countermeasures to cultivate the innovation ability of the students majoring in physical education in colleges and universities, and puts forward some reasonable suggestions. This study uses the methods of literature, questionnaire, expert interview, case analysis, mathematical analysis and logic analysis. Through the study, the following conclusions are drawn: (1) the students of physical education major in Shanghai have a strong sense of innovation, and most students can realize that innovation plays a key role in physical education teaching; (2) the students of physical education major in Shanghai have an optimistic understanding of the spirit of innovation, and think that non-intellectual factors such as interest, emotion, will, confidence, persistence and so on play an important role; (3) in the aspect of innovative learning ability of PE majors in Shanghai, the majority of students still adopt traditional learning methods, and the innovative learning ability is weak; (4) in the aspect of innovative thinking ability of PE major students in Shanghai, some students have deviated from the thinking mode, and think that the most needed thinking is divergent thinking; (5) the students of physical education major in Shanghai have a strong sense of innovation, but they have not achieved the ideal results; (6) the subjective factors influencing the creative ability of the students majoring in physical education in Shanghai are: creative consciousness, creative thinking, ideology, motivation, quality of students, knowledge of students, etc. Objective factors: teaching content, school attention, innovation environment, teaching evaluation, teaching environment, incentive mechanism and so on. In order to further develop and improve the innovative ability of physical education major students in Shanghai, this study puts forward some reasonable suggestions in view of the status quo of the investigation.
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