本文关键词: 跆拳道 赛事 现状 运行 出处:《北京体育大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The National Taekwondo Series is the first popular Taekwondo competition in 2015-2016. This paper adopts the methods of literature, questionnaire, field investigation, expert interview, etc. Mathematical statistics and logic analysis are used to study the competition organization of the series, the propaganda and promotion of each competition area, the brand image and cultural connotation, the government supervision and so on, in order to understand the provinces and cities. The development and development of Taekwondo and its events in the area, the problems in the running of the events are found, and some suggestions are put forward. The conclusion of the study is as follows: 1. The National Taekwondo Series is a new form of popular Taekwondo Competition in China. 2015-2016 is the first one. The only online media promotion in this competition is the application of network media, there is no television media and print media, and the online media propaganda is single; offline live publicity is mainly a taekwondo event performance during the intermission. The organization of the organizing committee of the competition belongs to the functional structure, each functional department is set up more comprehensively, but the specific functions need to be further refined, the division of labor among the personnel is not clear, and the cooperation between the departments should be strengthened. In particular, the connection between the recording area and the competition area. There is a lack of professional competition operation team and organization and management personnel. 3. There are necessary items and selected items in the competition items, and there are two kinds of necessary items in each of the 13 competition areas. The number of participants is the most, in which the number of competitive contestants is more than that of potential contestants; the number of participants is less than that of special effects, break down, taekwondo exercises (dance) and other selected items, and the level of setting up of each competition area is not uniform, and the number of participants is relatively small; On the whole, because of the different development degree of taekwondo in different regions, the project setup of each competition area is not uniform .4.The competition time is higher in summer vacation than on Saturday and Sunday, and the participants are satisfied with the competition quadrilateral track participants. The participants were more satisfied with the reward mechanism. The use of ordinary protective gear was more satisfactory than that of electronic one, because the protection that was exposed to daily training was not suitable for the first time, and a small number of people were satisfied with the use of electronic protective gear. Because it reduces the human factor in the scoring process. 5. Registration takes the form of an online email, and contestants consider the form of downloading an application form to be too complex and less satisfying. The Chinese Taekwondo Association could have provided a unified means of registration, but since the registration process allows the first registration to be followed by the replacement of the relevant eligibility criteria, Therefore, it is very difficult to provide a unified registration channel. It can be seen from this that the Chinese Taekwondo Association's examination system should be strengthened to regulate and supervise the sponsorship of the tournament.6. the overall sponsor is the "excellent" brand, which is mainly responsible for the medals in the competition. According to the actual situation of the competition area, each area can seek the sponsorship independently, but in the 13 division overall, the sponsorship is too small, the system is too simple.
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