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发布时间:2018-03-10 10:30

  本文选题:频次 切入点:教学方法 出处:《北京体育大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Hurdle teachers often use the "decomposition and integrity" method when demonstrating teaching, which is now the most frequently used teaching method. Its advantage lies in the fact that it can make students lay a good foundation of hurdle technology and promote students to form the concept of complete action technique, so that students can learn from easy to complicated, step by step. But the drawback is that in the classroom, the teacher is only teaching the action technology or teaching in a complete way, which can not be considered from the individual differences between the students. It makes some students unable to keep up with the teacher's rhythm and teaching progress. Therefore, using different teaching methods can better solve the individual differences between students. In order for students to master hurdle technology in 7 hurdle classes, This paper studies the influence of hurdle teaching methods of different frequency on the hurdle learning effect of undergraduate students in colleges of education. The methods of literature, expert interview, teaching experiment and mathematical statistics are used. The effect of hurdle learning in college of education was studied experimentally and mathematically. Taking three natural classes of physical education undergraduates of Beijing physical Education University in 2014 as subjects, six hurdle teaching methods with different frequency were used in groups. After 7 teaching sessions, the technical evaluation and achievement of the eighth class were recorded, and the results of the experiment were statistically analyzed. The following conclusions are drawn: 1.The three groups of six hurdle teaching methods with different frequency of use have an effect on students' technical evaluation and improvement of hurdle achievement. 2. The proportion of experimental group two and three groups by increasing the frequency of using non-traditional teaching methods. The optimization exercises of students' problems are obviously superior to the technical evaluation and achievement of the first group of students, and the students' learning hurdle effect is better. 3. By increasing the frequency of use of non-traditional teaching methods, Be able to solve the problems that arise when students learn to hurdle, There is almost no difference between the second group and the third group of students in technical evaluation and achievement. 4. It is feasible to use the method of hurdle teaching with different frequency according to the students' individual difference and the difference of mastering the technical efficiency of hurdle. "the teaching method is still in the dominant position. The" inductive method "," multiple feedback method "and" layered and complete teaching method "are used frequently in the process of hurdle teaching. The result shows that the students need more and more suitable for hurdle teaching in a short period of time, under the condition of shortening the number of courses in hurdle teaching, It is very urgent and necessary to change the new teaching methods in hurdle teaching, and this research has certain practical and guiding value.


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