本文选题:现代性 切入点:后现代 出处:《山东师范大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of society and change of sports, with the development of market economy and gradually changed, along with the change of people's values and world outlook, sports in the process of social changes and development of the moral and ethical problems also have a variety of sports. The rapid development of the economy gradually established the main business operation mode of industrialization, in the larger dimension of the creator of human history of civilization, but also to promote and accelerate the progress of human civilization. But with the development of the industrialization of sports business, inevitably some relevant ethical issues have gradually emerged, sports and business are inseparable, in the promotion of economic interests under the human greed and utilitarian come to the surface, everywhere showing the human desires of the ugly face, desires expansion, traditional ethics by sports The great challenge and destruction, with a variety of commercial modern social development, industrialization and individualism, utilitarianism spread, sports inevitably filled with modernity in rancid, modern society, sports field is influenced by modernity with characteristics of modernity, science and rationality two yuan, and the main opposition thinking, materialism to maintain the development of modern sports. The sports people lost as a person's survival significance, but also to the modern sports brought hitherto unknown attack, and sports and philosophers began discussions and criticism, trying to find a new way for modern sports. Thus, postmodern philosophy emerged, postmodernism is not a concept of time, after the birth of the modern development is a relatively special period, at any time there will be mutual collision and the evolution of civilization, After the modern period is no exception, but accompanied by the inevitable value conflict. Postmodern and resulting values directly affect the ethical value of sports to modern sports under the influence of modernity showing a rapid development and created a world record. The sports field continue to create a new civilization, characteristics of modern sports is really consistent with human future long-term development interests, sports modernity and post-modern ethical values of the conflict should be how to choose, how to construct and perfect the ethical value of new era sports concept so as to find new way of sports ethics ethical problems. Sports, modern sports research, research and research hotspot of contemporary sports conversion. Modern sports with "all kinds of alienation" from the moral and ethical problems Two, dualistic thinking mode of modern advocating individualism, occupy the absolute center, resulting in the modern sports ethics into a vicious circle of grey state. Under the influence of modernity, sports to cater to the mechanistic view of nature, the separation of the relationship between man and nature, modern sports values and sports at the same time it needs to change the reconstruction. Because of ethical research in the postmodern era is not perfect, modern sports is in conform to the development of Sino Vietnamese times farther, and highlights the contradictions of modernity in the construction of modern sports spirit in the process of construction, modern sports environment is imminent. In the process of sports ethics, in the development history of Postmodernism in search of the mainstream value for modern sports, sports development, the new spirit of modern sports from the perspective of constructing, the realization of sports Zhenshanmei sports to "go home". This paper is divided into three parts : the first section introduces the various ethical issues arising under the influence of modern sports, and explains the meanings of modernity. The second part analyzes the constructive postmodernism's development and connotation, the reasonable core of modernism drawing, focuses on the criticism and Transcendence of postmodernism on modern sports. The third part describes the present situation of modern sports ethics in China, "its essence, to its dregs" in dialectics to construct modern sports spirit, to avoid too much detours in the process of industrialization, the construction of modern sports spirit, to promote harmonious and healthy development of modern sports China.
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