本文选题:体育赛事 + 税收 ; 参考:《西安体育学院》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the development of the times, China's sports industry is also growing, in recent years has hosted a lot of large sports events.The development of all branches of the sports industry can not be separated from the support of government policies, including sports events also need the support of national tax policy.The main research content of this thesis is about the problems in the tax policy of sports events in our country, and the countermeasures. Firstly, the paper discusses the necessity and the way choice of the government to support the development of the sports industry from the introduction.And in view of the current situation of the implementation of tax policies for large-scale international sports events in China in recent years, referring to the economic and legal support provided by levying taxes on large-scale international sports events when Beijing hosted the Olympic Games,Specific examples include the establishment of a new relationship between "taxation" and "economic development" at the Beijing Olympic Games, the remarkable economic effects of the tax concessions for large-scale international events [1] and the legal support that the Beijing Olympic Games refer to in the collection of international sports events.From the aspects of policy continuity, policy pertinence, low legislative level and limited function of tax policy, this paper discusses how to designate tax revenue in the face of large-scale sports competitions in China.Next, the Beijing Olympic Games in the tax policy for the development of China's sports and its derivatives of far-reaching significance.The requirements of the Beijing Olympic tax policy for the development of the sports industry in our country's economic and social system, and under the current economic development situation,The influence of the present situation of population on the sports cause and the requirement of the economic development of our country to the sports cause have shown the important significance in these aspects.At the end of the article, the author gives his own opinions and suggestions on the tax policy support of holding international sports events in China in the future.The author mainly starts from three aspects: establishing the legal guarantee of the taxation policy of sports events in our country, establishing the organizational guarantee of the taxation of sports events in our country, and establishing the benign development mechanism of tax preference and tax source cultivation.
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