本文选题:高校篮球联赛 + CUBA ; 参考:《西安体育学院》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, there are two major basketball competitions in China's colleges and universities, one is CUBA Chinese College Basketball League, the second is the CUBS Chinese Super League. The Chinese College Basketball League (CUBA) is jointly founded by the general Concord and Heng Hua group. It not only promotes the Chinese new period of basketball reform, but also a major breakthrough in the combination of physical education and education. The goal and task is to cultivate high quality and high quality young basketball talents. And to provide the soil for cultivating new people in the big environment. In 2004, the CUBS Chinese University Super League is more like the strengthening and upgrading of the CUBA Basketball League, which is founded by the Chinese Basketball Association and the general association. It does not only improve the competitive level of college basketball, but also is the same. In recent years, with the rapid development of Chinese College Basketball League, the social influence and potential development force of the college students are becoming more and more big, but the market is open to the large population base. There are only a relatively small part of the development of the world college basketball match. All these show that the basketball league competition system has also appeared many problems at the same time in the high speed development of the college basketball. This paper, through the study of the competition system of the basketball league in China's University, aims to find the competition body of the College Basketball League. In this paper, high level and high quality college basketball talents are trained to create high dissemination and high impact college basketball games. This paper mainly uses literature data method, comparative method, logical analysis method, expert interview and questionnaire survey method to study the competition system of College Basketball League in China. Through the study, the following conclusions are 1. The competent unit of the National College Basketball League is the College Student Sports Association, but the direction is different from the division unit, it is the same event under the general coordination system. The aim is to develop the basic basketball undertakings of our country and train the construction of the back-up power of the college basketball. The relations between the two league matches are not close, they each have their own characteristics, There is no elevating level and unique competition system. This has virtually blocked the development of Basketball League in Chinese colleges and universities.2 because of the rapid development of basketball in China's colleges and universities. Although there are two national university league matches, it is impossible to meet the basketball games in Colleges and universities because of the problem of competition and the unreasonable match of time. The competition system should develop with the needs and take into account the differences in the region and the diversity of colleges and universities. It makes the League a balanced, competitive and more ornamental.3 in the selection of college basketball players, according to the differences in the level of the athletes, the differences of the region and even the school, the standard of admission is also different. And according to the current regulations, most colleges and universities in the CUBA League will not receive the high level athletes and need their own training. Although the Super League can recruit high level athletes, the strength of the high level athletes is uneven because of the famous school effect, with the management training of school and coaches, and no "talent show" system. There is a large gap between the various teams. The Organizing Committee of the.4 League, which seriously affects the grand Super League, establishes a unified reward standard, increases the single award, sets up the award, the progress award, the moral award and so on, so as to make all the awards more scientific and reasonable. In order to improve the athletes' enthusiasm for the competition, 5 In addition to the Universiade basketball, all the funds produced by the CUBA or CUBS league are in charge of the school. At the same time, the cost of Nissan training and equipment arrangement is also managed by the school. The sources of funds are unitary. One province or even a city often has several colleges and universities to increase the student basketball league, and the government is not reasonable. Administrative appropriations, the vast majority of schools do not have admission income, the league can not get due sponsorship. In a word, although the enthusiasm of college basketball is very high, but the University Basketball League in commercial publicity and regional influence needs to be further improved to speed up the pace of the market reform of the basketball market in China.
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