本文选题:香港 + 大众体育 ; 参考:《成都体育学院》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:香港回归以来,在“一国两制”框架下,《基本法》赋予香港特区政府体育政策制定高度自主权,体育管理和体育对外交往高度自治权。香港特别行政区体育发展事业在得到内地等各方支持的情况下,取得长足发展,香港的体育管理部门得到重组,管理责任明晰,发展目标明确,管理效率提升。回归以来的香港精英体育方面,制定了包括竞赛项目分类对待,重点突破、为精英项目运动员提供充分支援、逐步推进职业化全职运动员、重金支持参加重大比赛,物质奖励和精神奖励并重、实施“优才计划”,引进部分优秀运动员,与内地体育学院合作,提升体育专业水平,制定运动员退役计划,解决运动员后顾之忧等举措,香港精英体育竞技实力大幅度提升,在国际舞台上频传佳绩。回归以来的香港盛事体育方面,建立现代化体育设施、建立大型体育活动“M”品牌制度(即Major Sport Events)及支援计划、盛事基金成立以及特区政府做好桥梁作用,调动社会参与,邀请明星助阵,香港体育赛事进一步促进香港国际影响力。香港的社区体育方面,重视宣传教育,鼓励市民恒常做运动,建立健康的生活模式;重视精英体育和盛事体育对大众体育的宣传与教育作用;大力发展大众锻炼的体育场地设施;形成强有力的大众体育推广骨干力量;以传统体育活动为主,提供多样化、有针对性的康体活动;大力推进学校体育推广;政府购买服务推动康乐体育发展;依据调查结果,制定有针对性的政策,不断优化和改进服务,迎合市民需求,民众参与体育锻炼的热情和频率得到大发展。实践充分证明,“一国两制”作为新生、特殊的社会制度,具有制度性优越性,不仅是解决香港回归问题,也是香港回归后保持香港体育事业长期繁荣的最佳制度安排。
[Abstract]:Since the return of Hong Kong to China, under the framework of "one country, two systems", the basic Law has given the HKSAR government a high degree of autonomy in formulating sports policies, and a high degree of autonomy in sports management and sports exchanges with foreign countries. With the support of the mainland and other parties, the sports development of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region has made considerable progress, and the sports management departments in Hong Kong have been restructured, with clear management responsibilities, clear development objectives and improved management efficiency. Since the reunification, Hong Kong elite sports have formulated classified treatment including competition events, key breakthroughs, adequate support for elite athletes, gradual promotion of professional full-time athletes, and heavy money to support participation in major competitions. Paying equal attention to material rewards and spiritual rewards, implementing the "talents Program," introducing some outstanding athletes, cooperating with mainland sports institutes, promoting sports professional standards, drawing up retirement plans for athletes, and resolving the worries of athletes, and so on. Hong Kong elite sports strength has been greatly improved, in the international arena frequently spread good results. Since the reunification, Hong Kong has set up modern sports facilities, set up a "M" brand system for large-scale sports activities (that is, Major Sport events) and support programmes. The setting up of the Hong Kong event Fund and the role of the SAR Government in serving as a bridge to mobilize community participation have been very important. Hong Kong sports events will further promote Hong Kong's international influence. In the area of community sports in Hong Kong, we should attach importance to publicity and education, encourage the public to exercise regularly and establish a healthy life model, and attach importance to the role of elite sports and event sports in publicizing and educating mass sports; Vigorously develop sports facilities for public exercise; form a strong backbone of mass sports promotion; take traditional sports activities as the main body to provide diversified and targeted sports activities; vigorously promote sports promotion in schools; According to the results of the investigation, the government purchases the service to promote Kang Le's sports development, formulates the targeted policy, unceasingly optimizes and improves the service, caters to the citizen's demand, and the public's enthusiasm and frequency of participating in physical exercise are greatly developed. Practice has fully proved that "one country, two systems", as a new and special social system, has institutional superiority, which is not only a solution to the problem of Hong Kong's return to China, but also the best institutional arrangement for maintaining the long-term prosperity of Hong Kong's sports undertakings after Hong Kong's return to the motherland.
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