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发布时间:2018-04-23 07:25

  本文选题:收入分配制度 + 英超 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Professional sports play an important role in the development of modern sports. Professional sports league is regarded as the most effective and fundamental institutional arrangement in professional sports, the core of which is the principal-agent relationship between clubs and leagues, which makes the two become the community of interests. The common interests of the two in the alliance are coordinated through the income distribution system. From the perspective of historical institutionalism, this paper studies the process and mechanism of income distribution system of English professional football top league. The evolution of the income distribution system of the top professional football league in England has mainly experienced the initial period of paying attention to the absolutely fair distribution of ticket income, the period of the interest game of the big league club and the period of the Premier League. In the whole historical evolution process, the establishment of the system is based on the uneven distribution of resources. It is because of the uneven distribution of resources that we need the compromise of the main body of interest and solidify it in the form of system. Affected by the internal and external factors of the system, the main body of interest and the relationship of interest are constantly changing. Because of the change of environment, the system itself will constantly strengthen itself to maintain the existing interest relationship. The process of strengthening itself is the process of historical change of institution. This paper analyzes the internal motivation and external conditions of the evolution of the income distribution system and the ways and means of coordinating the interest relations between clubs and federations. In three different periods, the income distribution system of England's top professional football league shows different characteristics of institutional evolution. In the first year of the professional league until the 1960s, the distributable income was mainly the ticket income. Based on the principle of competition balance, the league always adhered to a relatively equal distribution, that is, the home and away teams equally divided each ticket income. From the 1960s to the end of the 1980s, the social transformation in England was dramatic, and distributable income increased, including television revenues, league sponsors and so on, and the increase in the cost of running the team was even more evident in the big clubs. This causes the big club to promote the income distribution system reform. After several games and evolution, finally the Premier League independent and a new income distribution system. Although the Premier League is the result of large clubs crowding out the interests of lower-level professional clubs, within the Premier League, the income distribution system is also more focused on the principle of competitive balance, within a sports league interest group, There is always a need to maintain the balance of competition among the clubs in order to maintain the common interests of the clubs. Under the influence of external environment and internal path dependence factors, the historical evolution of institution presents the characteristics of gradual, contingency and circularity. This paper hopes to explore the institutional, historical and social reasons for the problems existing in China's professional football and its income distribution system, and at the same time enrich the research on the internal operating mechanism of the professional sports league.


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