本文选题:传统武德 + 文化四层次说 ; 参考:《武汉体育学院》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Wushu is a kind of traditional national sports, which takes attack and attack as the main technique, routine exercise and struggle and confrontation as the form of sports, and pays attention to both internal and external traditional sports. The internal and external practice not only refers to the Qi-nourishing kung fu, but also represents the martial artist's pursuit of "Tao". Wushu refers to the sum of the requirements for martial arts practitioners' behavior norms formed in the group of martial arts activities, which includes four kinds of relationships: dealing with the relationship between martial arts practitioners and technology, with industry, with others, with themselves, and with themselves. Wushu is an indispensable part of the theoretical system. However, today China is in an unprecedented period of rapid development, traditional and contemporary, East and West, the big bang of information between the culture of the fierce collision is now facing an important problem. At this time, China is in the awkward period when the traditional mode is broken for foreign culture, but the new cultural system is not yet fully formed. As a branch of traditional culture, Wushu inevitably falls into the same situation. The incompatibility between the traditional Wushu system and the times has restricted the development of Wushu. Therefore, this article through the extensive reference to various historical documents, martial arts classics, martial arts related research materials, collected martial arts related literature. And around the question that this article studies, consult relevant expert scholar, folk boxer and so on, obtain firsthand information. Using logical analysis method to the data, from the historical point of view to sort out, analysis and extraction of the data. And according to the four-level theory of cultural structure, it is divided into four parts: material culture layer, system culture layer, system culture layer -martial rule, behavior culture layer -martial ceremony, mentality culture layer -Wu Soul, to explain the cultural connotation of Wushu, which is divided into four parts: material culture level, system culture layer -martial rule layer, behavior culture layer -martial ceremony layer, mentality culture layer -Wu soul. In order to find the outstanding, still applicable in the contemporary, suitable for us to inherit content, this part of the content to retain and further develop. At the same time, it can also be found that the deep feudal color of traditional Wushu, the anachronistic thought, and the contents that are contrary to the laws and regulations of today's, should be eliminated, revised, replaced and so on, so that they can better adapt to the spread of contemporary Wushu. The need of wushu education.
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