本文选题:网球 + 功能动作 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Tennis is a ball game with high complexity. It requires the athletes to use most of the muscles of the body when they finish hitting the ball. They also have higher requirements in terms of link control and movement quality. As an authoritative functional action test for evaluating the quality of movement, it has been gradually applied in the research of tennis specialty, which has a positive impact and significance for the development of tennis. Tennis players are more likely to cause sports injuries after long-term intensive training and competition. According to the related literature, the domestic and foreign research on tennis events in functional movement testing and injury is limited, from the perspective of different grades, tennis special students in the training process of the stage as a research entry point, Previous human research did not reflect, is the innovation of research. The object of this study is a special student in four grades of tennis course in physical Education College of Beijing physical Education University. The purpose of this study is to explore the characteristics of functional movements and sports injuries in the process of four years of training from the beginning of tennis to the four years of training, and to find out the commonness between functional movements and sports injuries through the study of each stage of the four grades. Based on the data analysis, the significance of this paper is to provide reference for tennis teachers and students in terms of functional movements and sports injuries, and to better develop the sports quality of students of different grades. The movement performance and reduces the movement injury to lay down provides the direction and the suggestion. At the same time, it can be used for reference for further research. Methods the functional movement and motion injury were used as the support, and the functional motion test (FMS) and the exercise injury questionnaire were used as the data collection, and the data statistic method was used to collect the data. Functional motion screening (FMS) is a relatively perfect motion evaluation system. It sorts the basic action patterns of human body, observes and finds out the asymmetry and compensation of the action, and evaluates the current functional movements of the athletes. Up to now, FMS test has been widely used in physical training evaluation and injury analysis. Results and conclusion: the special sport of undergraduate tennis had a periodic effect on the "small four kinds" (shoulder flexibility, straight knee lift, torso stable push-ups, torso rotation stability). The stability of the trunk core is a common weak chain in the subjects. The study found that 83% of the special students had the experience of injury, and the vulnerable sites were shoulder joint, wrist joint and ankle joint, but the slow injury was more than the acute injury, and the proportion of strain and sprain was large. Most of the injuries occurred in the training competition and technical training, which reminded special teachers to pay more attention to the above aspects of injury prevention.
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