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发布时间:2018-04-26 10:19

  本文选题:东京残疾人体育 + 体育振兴 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Sports for the disabled is an important part of public sports, and also an important part of the basic rights of the disabled. The development of sports for the disabled is conducive to the physical and mental recovery of the disabled, to the realization of the equality of rights between the disabled and the able-bodied, and to the harmonious development of the society. The sports cause of disabled people in our country has made remarkable achievements. However, at the local grass-roots level represented by Beijing, there are still many problems, such as "emphasizing athletics, neglecting popularization", lack of hardware and software facilities and talents, insufficient financial investment, etc. Urgent need to carry on the relevant reform and adjustment. Japan is a highly developed country for the disabled, and has established a relatively perfect system of sports development for the disabled from the central to the local level. Tokyo's policy on the revitalization of sports for the disabled represented by Tokyo's "Tokyo disabled Sports Revitalization Plan" has important reference significance and reference value for the development of the disabled sports in Beijing. Based on the theory of public policy process, the comparative analysis method, the literature method, the case study method, and taking Tokyo as the sample, this paper analyzes the policy environment and policy subject of the revitalization of sports for the disabled, combining with the case study. This paper reviews the implementation of the policy on the revitalization of sports for the disabled in Tokyo since its promulgation in 2012, analyzes the characteristics of the policy process for the revitalization of sports for the disabled and points out that Beijing should seize the historical opportunity of hosting the 2022 Winter Paralympic Games. To promote local legislation on sports for the disabled, to promote the "integration" of sports for the disabled and the sports administration of the masses, to promote the transformation of the functions of the administrative departments, to fully stimulate the initiative of non-governmental organizations, and to establish a scientific policy evaluation system. To strengthen the construction of sports facilities for the disabled at the grass-roots level in the community, and to strengthen the media public relations propaganda of new media thinking, and other policy optimization suggestions.


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