本文选题:陕西省 + 全民健身公共服务 ; 参考:《西安体育学院》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economy and society, people pay more and more attention to their living conditions. The State Council issued a notice for 2011-2015 and a notice for 2016-2020 on the National Fitness Plan in 2011 and 2016, respectively. In addition to other documents on the development of national fitness industry published before and between, it is proposed to evaluate the development of national fitness cause through quantitative performance evaluation. In particular, in the 2016-2020 notice, specifically proposed by 2020 to conduct a comprehensive assessment of provinces and cities. Therefore, our research on the public service performance evaluation of national fitness is of great significance to strengthen the government work, evaluate the government gains and losses, and conform to the national policy. The purpose of this paper is to establish a performance evaluation index system suitable for the current situation in Shaanxi Province, with a view to using this index system as the basis for the provincial governments of Shaanxi Province to evaluate the work status of national fitness of prefectural and municipal governments. In terms of research methods, it mainly includes consulting literature, conducting expert interviews, arranging data for mathematical statistics and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for weight analysis. Among them, the Delphi method is mainly used to select scholars who have made a certain contribution in the field of national fitness as experts, through pre-selecting indicators, screening indicators, and establishing indicators. A series of processes, such as giving weights, are used to establish an index system for evaluating the development of national fitness in Shaanxi Province. First of all, by visiting experts and scholars who have certain authority in this field, as well as the provincial sports bureau, the municipal sports bureau, the Ankang Municipal Sports Bureau, and other front-line staff, Combined with their suggestions and the experience of previous studies, a preselection index system consisting of 6 first-grade indicators and 42 corresponding second-level indicators is finally selected. Thirdly, the first round of expert questionnaire is developed to make the experts score the two dimensions of "importance" and "operability" of the index, and the recovered expert questionnaire is sorted out, and the relevant statistical software is used to calculate and select the indicators. Then using the selected indicators to develop the index weight scoring questionnaire, through the investigation of experts, the index weight score, and finally with the help of AHP and related software to determine the weight of the index. Finally, this paper establishes a performance evaluation index system of Shaanxi National Fitness Public Service, which is composed of first class index (6) and corresponding secondary index (28). On this basis, Weinan City and Ankang City are selected as the empirical comparative research objects to test the rationality of the established index system. The establishment of the evaluation index system is beneficial to the quantitative evaluation of the work of national fitness in various cities of Shaanxi Province. With the continuous improvement of the public service of national fitness in Shaanxi Province, the evaluation index system will be constantly updated to comply with the needs of the times and society, and contribute to the development of the cause of national fitness in Shaanxi Province.
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