本文选题:中国青少年足球运动员 + 目标人群 ; 参考:《首都体育学院学报》2017年01期
[Abstract]:The main problems in the training of young football players are as follows: the target group of young football players training is too single, limited to the small number of athletes, but neglects the large number of students in school; The theory and practice system of the student model itself is not perfect, and the lack of connection with the sports team model, resulting in the relative closure of the two training models, failing to achieve the purpose of learning from each other. In order to solve the above problems, the methods of literature, logic analysis and expert interview are used. Through the research to clarify the target group positioning of juvenile football players, the author puts forward the establishment of coordination mechanism to solve the problem of coordinated development between the student model and the sports team model, at the same time, Aiming at the students in school, the author puts forward a new training mode of setting up a training base for young football players, and makes a preliminary study on the transportation of eliminated athletes in sports teams.
【作者单位】: 天津理工大学;
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