本文选题:排球 + 功能动作筛查 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In preparation for the Asian Junior Volleyball Championships to be held in Thailand in 2014, the Chinese Women's Junior Volleyball team trained in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, and put forward some suggestions through the analysis of the results of the functional action screening tests of the juvenile women's volleyball national team athletes. The aim is to provide data and theoretical support to the national team in preparation for the Asian Junior Volleyball Championships. In this study, 14 Chinese women's junior volleyball players were chosen as the research objects, and the data were obtained by using the functional action screening test, and the data analysis was carried out by using SPSS18.0 software. To consult the reliability and validity of functional action screening and experimental literature; to issue questionnaires to national team members; to interview the coaches of Chinese junior women volleyball team. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) there is no significant correlation between the results of functional action screening and the physical indicators of the national women's volleyball youth team athletes, the past injury and injury of the body, the performance of sports and the age of training. It fully reflects the high reliability and validity of the functional movement screening evaluation system as the evaluation system. 2) through the screening, it is found that one of the main attacking athletes of the national teenage row athletes has a relatively serious knee injury. The other two athletes were in good physical condition; among the secondary attack athletes, the other indicators were higher and the overall physical condition of the athletes was excellent, except for the poor performance of individual propping movements; among the second pass athletes, the two athletes had a big difference in physical fitness. The main difference is strength and coordination, but the whole body is in good condition; one of the free athletes has a serious waist injury, the other is in excellent physical condition; The excellent physical condition and the best physical quality among all the athletes. 3) the national female volleyball athletes have poor back flexion and closed movement chain of ankle, and the phenomenon of double knee and hip flexion is obvious. In the course of training, this kind of athletes need to be taught according to their aptitude, and scientific training methods are adopted. 4) the stability of nerve recruitment and reflex in the body trunk of national female junior volleyball players is relatively weak. The strength of the trunk part of the body is worse than that of the other parts; the back muscle strength of the athletes is poor, and the strength training of the body trunk part should be strengthened. 5) there is no obvious quality gap between the left and right sides of the body of the national female juvenile volleyball players. For the future training and competition and long-term development has a positive significance.
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