本文选题:体育和训练 + 健康状况 ; 参考:《中国学校卫生》2017年03期
[Abstract]:Objective to understand the influence of group psychological counseling and physical exercise on the mental health of Uygur left-behind junior high school students, and to provide practical support for the mental health intervention of left-behind children. Methods two middle school students in Hotan City were selected as control group, and 70 students with mental problems were selected as the research objects in each school by using the mental health scale of middle school students. The experimental group was treated with experimental intervention for 2 months, and teachers and parents were given intervention instruction. The investigation was carried out before, after intervention and 2 months after intervention. Results there was no significant difference in mental health factors and total mean scores between the intervention group and the control group before the experimental intervention in Hetian Uygur left-behind junior high school students (P < 0.05). After intervention, there were significant differences in mental health factors and total scores between the intervention group and the control group (P < 0.01). Two months after intervention, the scores of mental health factors in the intervention group were lower than those in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.01). After intervention, group counseling satisfaction expressed their own views, more and more understanding of themselves, through counseling to increase self-confidence, like to share experience with others, think counseling is very meaningful, It was considered that the scores of mutual trust and sincerity at the meeting were higher than those before intervention, and the difference was statistically significant (-4.509) -3.172 ~ (-1) -3.588 ~ (-3.045) ~ (-5.879) ~ (-4.472) (P < 0.01). Conclusion Group psychological counseling combined with physical exercise can improve and maintain the mental health of Uygur left-behind junior high school students.
【作者单位】: 新疆巴音郭楞职业技术学院公共教育学院;和田市教育局基础教育科;
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