本文选题:信息时代 + 高校体育教师 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, some PE teachers in colleges and universities, because of the obsolete teaching ideas and boring teaching contents, lead to the low enthusiasm of college students in class, the phenomenon of absenteeism from time to time, which often results in teachers singing monologues on the podium. However, with the continuous development of the Internet, new media technology is gradually integrated into the traditional teaching process, forming a new teaching model, which not only promotes the reform of education, but also creates conditions for college PE teachers to improve their own teaching level. In the information society with the rapid growth of information and knowledge, the cycle of knowledge renewal is shortening and the frequency of innovation is speeding up. How to make PE teachers in colleges and universities acquire information and knowledge efficiently and improve their own development level. It has become the urgent need of physical education teachers in colleges and universities. To improve the ability of obtaining information for PE teachers in colleges and universities is not only the call of the times, but also the inevitable requirement to promote their own development. The improvement of the level of PE teachers in colleges and universities needs to be based on the extensive access to scientific and advanced sports information, and excellent PE teachers in colleges and universities should be masters in obtaining sports information. Be good at capturing useful information through a variety of channels, including network approaches. On the contrary, a college physical education teacher who lacks information consciousness must show incompetence in his daily work, and the effect of physical education teaching can also be seen. Based on the investigation and analysis of the information demand of college PE teachers and the ways to obtain them, this paper tries to find out the main methods used by PE teachers to obtain PE information in colleges and universities. It also analyzes the main factors that affect the information acquisition of PE teachers in colleges and universities, and finally proposes to improve the awareness of obtaining information of PE teachers in colleges and universities, to improve the foreign language level of PE teachers in colleges and universities, and to enhance the ability of using network resources of PE teachers in colleges and universities. The suggestion of strengthening the construction of network information resources plays an important role in improving the ability of obtaining network information for physical education teachers in colleges and universities in Yantai, and the construction of comprehensive information resource platform for local university teachers. And the improvement of the level of physical education in colleges and universities has played a role in promoting.
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