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发布时间:2018-05-16 01:29

  本文选题:勐腊哈尼族 + 乡村传统体育 ; 参考:《云南师范大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The Hani nationality is an international people living across the border. There are more than 20 self-proclaimed nationalities. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, ethnic experts named Hani as the "Hani nationality" in order to make it convenient to refer to this multi-branch ethnic group. Based on the methods of literature, field investigation, interview and case analysis, this paper analyzes the rural traditional sports culture of the Mengla Hani nationality from the perspective of the Mengla Hani ethnic group. The origin and cultural characteristics, vicissitude and evolution, present situation and development opportunity of traditional sports of Mengla Hani ethnic group are described in detail. Then the case study of Mango Fruit Tree Village's single rope Dangqiu project is made to highlight the characteristics of traditional sports of Mengla Hani nationality. To explore the corresponding development strategies, to provide reference for the study of rural traditional sports in different regions. As an important part of the traditional culture, the traditional sports of the Mengla Hani nationality have unique national color, which are formed in the production and life, the military war, the religious sacrifice, the festival activity, has the regionality, the uniqueness, the universality, Participatory, entertaining, religious and other characteristics. Then from the Mengla Hani village traditional sports general situation, inheritance, development situation of relying on, functions and constraints to analyze the development of the status quo and opportunities for development; This article highlights the sports characteristics of the Hani nationality in the case of "single rope Dangqiu". According to the existing problems, the opportunity proposes to train the inheritors, to give the system protection, to protect the integrity of the village, to build the Hani nationality museum, and to combine it with the school sports, the democratic sports association, the competitive sports, and the mass fitness sports. In daily life, on the basis of respecting the multicultural choice, we should actively develop the surviving traditional sports, rationally develop the traditional sports culture of the Mengla Hani nationality, promote the development of rural sports tourism, and make rational use of modern information technology, etc. In order to Mengla Hani traditional rural sports development towards a brighter road.


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