本文选题:2014时间规则 + 攻防技战术 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The formulation and modification of basketball rules is the need of the development of modern basketball techniques and tactics. The further revision of the attacking time rules in 2014 makes modern basketball develop faster and stronger in confrontation. The new rules will bring new opportunities and challenges to the technique and tactics of basketball, and put forward new and higher requirements for basketball players and coaches. The World Cup of Men's Basketball team and the Olympic Games are the highest level of basketball competition in the world, and the top four teams represent the highest level of basketball in the world. This thesis takes the new rule of attack time rule in 2014 as the research object (taking the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games' top four teams of men's basketball team as the object of investigation), using the method of literature, video observation, mathematical statistics, etc. Through discussing the change of basketball rules about time, taking the change of time rule of second attack in 2014 as the starting point, this paper analyzes the influence of the new time rule on basketball technique and tactics. So as to coaches and athletes in the future training and competition to provide reference. After studying, we get the following conclusion: 1. The modification of time rules is based on the development needs of basketball and the development of basketball techniques and tactics. The aim is to improve the speed of the race, increase the intensity and appreciation of the competition. 2. The modification of attacking time rules of basketball matches conforms to the development trend of basketball and accelerates the development of modern basketball techniques and tactics. Because of the reduction of the second attack time, the player's personal attack ability and the level of shooting, tedious, time-consuming offensive tactics reduced, replaced by a more simple, more efficient, more impact attack mode. 3. After the time rule of basketball was revised, the shooting rate of attacking team in the second attack after the rebound was decreased, and the number of fouls and mistakes in the second attack increased.
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