本文选题:体育旅游产品 + 价值共创 ; 参考:《上海体育学院》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Sports tourism is a new economic growth point born and spawned in the current period of China's economic transformation and upgrading, which has been paid attention to at all levels of the whole country. Product is the core part of sports tourism, also the most important content in sports tourism, and it is also the channel to maintain the relationship between suppliers and consumers. In the era of "product content is king", how to produce valuable products that can be recognized by consumers has become the key to the survival and competition of sports tourism product suppliers. In order to meet the increasingly diversified and demanding demands of consumers and enhance the competitive power of sports tourism suppliers, we create a new theory according to the value of service economics. This study takes consumers as the dominant logic in the production of sports tourism value, constructs the path of value creation and realization of participating sports tourism products, and provides new ideas and beneficial exploration for the development and value promotion of sports tourism products. This paper systematically introduces the basic concepts, classification and characteristics of sports tourism, sports tourism products and value by using the methods of literature, questionnaire, content analysis, mathematical statistics and so on. Then, this paper takes the evaluation and application of sports tourism products in 2016 as a sample for the analysis of the current situation of sports tourism products, analyzes and summarizes the current development situation and problems faced by sports tourism products, and raises the value of sports tourism products from the point of view of improving the value of sports tourism products. Strengthen the consumption experience of sports tourists, improve the competitiveness of product suppliers to demonstrate the value of the theory of sports tourism products. Then from the existing value creation realization path, combined with consumer consumption behavior, producer product production value chain and other theoretical basis, take consumers as the leading logic of production, build the path of consumer value creation. The path of supplier value creation and the interactive process between them are formed into a dynamic and circular value creating theoretical framework. On the basis of the theoretical framework of value creation, this paper analyzes the relationship between the stakeholders involved in the participating sports tourism products and the stakeholders. From the construction of participating sports tourism product value creation practice path, and try to take Nanjing Marathon as an application case, put forward the future operation of the countermeasures and suggestions.
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