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发布时间:2018-05-28 16:06

  本文选题:大数据 + 乒乓球 ; 参考:《山东体育学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the concept of big data has crept up, and Austrian scientist Victor Mayer Scheinberg is the first to define "big data" in his book, the big data Age, as a shortcut not to use random analysis. Instead, the method of all data is used to analyze and process, so that the big data itself has a lot of, high speed, diversity, value and other characteristics to highlight. Since then, big data has been widely used in social practice, and has gradually formed a new trend and new trend of thought, in which mass data is used to promote innovation and development, and data is considered as a big one and objective data indicators are respected. In competitive sports, the theoretical application of big data and its related research are in the ascendant. Experts and scholars at home and abroad try to combine big data with sports training, sports rehabilitation, as well as the promotion of high-level athletes, and strive to drive the innovation and development of competitive sports, solve the existing technical problems, and break through the current competitive level. On the other hand, in competitive sports, especially in table tennis, the training of youth reserve force is the basis for achieving the long-term development of the project and striving for considerable progress. How to do a good job in the selection and cultivation of the reserve force of young table tennis players has become an important scientific research topic. Although since 2014, the State Sports Administration has hosted many seminars on "big data and physical fitness training for ball games," and has discussed in depth issues related to the selection and cultivation of youth reserve forces driven by big data. And draw full reference from foreign advanced experience and technical means, and get some theoretical results of universal guiding significance, but at the present stage, the research on the application of big data in the work of educating young table tennis players is still in its infancy. The research potential of specific academic topics related to this remains to be further explored. This article mainly based on the national table tennis management department related statistical results and aimed at the basic level table tennis coach, the young athlete investigation situation, This paper deeply analyzes the outstanding problems existing in the selection and cultivation of the reserve force of young people in table tennis at the present stage, and combines with the research achievements that have been obtained in competitive sports with the application of big data. This paper tries to give full play to the advantages of big data, such as more dimensions, large amount of data information and strong objectivity, in order to provide a broader, more comprehensive and clearer perspective and innovative path for solving practical problems. In the selection of reserve force, the author optimizes the connotation and extension of the physical ability, technique and tactics and psychology of the reserve talents in table tennis by applying the big data method, and in the link of cultivating the reserve force, the author optimizes the connotation and extension of the three core qualities, which are physical ability, technique and tactics and psychology. By using big data, the author tries to break through the single dimension of traditional multi-level selection mode, the lagged development of methods and methods, the strong subjective factors and so on. Furthermore, this paper provides new ideas for the sustainable and healthy development of Chinese youth table tennis under the new situation, and makes theoretical innovations for strengthening the reserve force of table tennis and maintaining our country's absolute dominant position in the world table tennis world.


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