本文选题:高中生 + 体质 ; 参考:《湖南科技大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Objective: to investigate and analyze the lifestyle and physical health of senior high school students in Xiangtan, Hunan province, through a comprehensive investigation on the special physique formed by the high school students' learning pressure, short exercise time and the key stage of their growth and development. Some suggestions on improving the physical and mental health of senior high school students are put forward to provide theoretical basis and practical reference for the physical education of senior high school students. Methods: using random sampling principle, 600 senior middle school students in 4 classes were selected from Xiangtan Iron and Steel Group No. 1 Middle School, Xiangtan City No. 1 Middle School and Xiangji Middle School to investigate the life style and mental health status of high school students in the form of questionnaire. Then 80 students were randomly selected among the students whose physique was not up to good grade. They were divided into four groups according to the method of random block design, and different physique health interventions were carried out in each group. The four groups were the reference group, the health education group, the exercise group and the comprehensive group. Results (1) the physical condition of high school students in Xiangtan is mostly in passing level, and the proportion of failing students is about 1 / 4. The whole situation is worrying. Poor physical development, poor nutritional balance, there are a small number of malnutrition and obesity students. The total average score of all students is in the normal level, but due to the pressure of college entrance examination, emotional problems, adaptation problems and obsessive-compulsive disorder, there are more or less certain problems, compared with boys. The main problems of high school students in Xiangtan are: picky food, irregular dining time, preference for inflated food and serious lack of physical exercise. The following results were obtained: the experimental control group with statistical significance was the exercise group and the comprehensive group, the health education group and the comprehensive group. Compared with the experimental intervention, the students' physical function and quality of the former two groups were greatly improved. The mental health status of the latter two groups was obviously improved, and the experimental group without statistical significance was: health education group and control group, exercise group and control group. Conclusion 1) the overall physical condition of high school students in Xiangtan City is not optimistic. In terms of physical function: female students have a little worse physical function than boys, but all students have a better overall physical function; in terms of physical fitness, high school students in school are not ideal, which is more obvious in female students; in terms of mental health level, The overall average level of students is normal. Some students have mild or moderate psychological problems due to learning stress, adaptability and emotional problems. High school students in Xiangtan City have the problems of unreasonable diet structure (picky eating, irregular dining time, preference for junk food, etc.) and lack of physical exercise. The physical and mental health can guarantee the high quality and high efficiency of study. In order to improve the physical quality and function of high school students, the comprehensive intervention measures of sports and health education can be taken. At the same time, in order to ensure the mental health of high school students, we can take the intervention of health education and the comprehensive intervention of exercise plus health education. 4) physical exercise (exercise) can improve students' physique. Health education can ensure the students' good mental health. In order to achieve the goal of students' good physical quality, better physical function and mental health, the measures of combining exercise intervention with healthy diet and intervention of work and rest can be adopted in order to achieve the purpose of students' good physical quality, better physical function and mental health.
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