本文选题:形象权 + 人格权 ; 参考:《河南师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Athlete image right refers to the object of athletes who have registered in a single sports association in China, have served in clubs at home and abroad and have participated in international competitions many times. At the same time has the outstanding competitive state and the outstanding sports result, and the behavior elegant, the temperament is good, thus is known, the recognition, after being sought after becomes the well-known athlete which has the public figure nature. The right itself is subordinate to the personality right, which is derived from the personality attribute with commercial value after the athlete "well-known". It is a new type of right to form the property right from the personal right, which belongs to the category of law and economics, and has its own remarkable characteristics. In principle, every athlete has the potential image right, but only after becoming a famous athlete can he have the image right from the point of view of commercial value. This study focuses on the legal content and protection of the image rights of famous athletes in China. By using the literature method, case analysis method, logic analysis method, referring to the information about athletes' image right abroad, seeking theoretical support and suggestions, combining with the actual development of our country, the aim is to protect the athlete's image right reasonably. The study found that the mobility of athletes began to increase at the same time of internationalization and commercialization of sports, among which the most obvious phenomena were the increase of participation in international competitions, the frequent transfer of clubs, the increase of commercial activities or public welfare activities, and so on. This series of activities increase the individual value of athletes, so the disputes about athletes' individual rights need to be resolved, and the core interests of athletes, sports organizations, clubs and sponsors should be strengthened. The economy or reputation, etc. Image right, as an important asset of athletes, needs to be restricted and regulated in contract, law and athlete's status. "Well-known" athletes are public figures, so athletes should be restricted from engaging in activities such as advertising, sponsorship, and so on, which are detrimental to their image. Through combing, analyzing and comparing the legal problems about athletes' image right cases in recent years, the author hopes to provide legal advice for sports dispute handling organizations to resolve disputes. First, improve the existing legal system, extend the protection of the image of athletes in the field. Second, enrich tort law and increase the protection content of athlete's image right. Third, the establishment of property law legislation system. Fourth, strengthen supervision and implement the management system of athletes' commercial activities. Fifth, increase the training and support of sports intermediary organizations and sports brokers development.
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