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发布时间:2018-06-04 00:42

  本文选题:羽毛球 + 女子单打 ; 参考:《上海体育学院》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:Since the 2012 Olympic Games in London, apart from the adjustment cycle of 2013 and the period 2014-2016, it has become clear that the traditional dominant position of badminton women's singles in China has been shaken. World feather altar women's singles began to enter a period of fangfangyan. In this paper, using the latest development of badminton techniques and tactics analysis software developed by the Sports Technology and tactics Research Center of the State Sports Administration of China, Ma Lin, Indanon, Neville, during the 2014-2016 Rio cycle, Austria hoped that four foreign elite badminton women singles players each hit the score characteristic to carry on the research. Based on the video observation and data acquisition of large scale samples, this paper analyzes the advantages, disadvantages and commonalities of different types of players from the aspects of score type, shoot number stage, time and space, technical efficiency and so on. And the formation of induction, guidance, forward-looking summary of the development trend. According to the present situation of badminton women's singles in China, the corresponding countermeasures and training suggestions are put forward. This paper adopts the methods of literature, expert interview and video statistics to collect and analyze 36 international badminton women's singles events hosted by the World Badminton Federation from 2014 to 2016, with a total of 88 innings of 32689 shots. The study found that 1: 1. In the aspect of batting score type and means, we pay more attention to the active attack and the grasp of the space-time situation in the match field, and expand the winning score. Compared with the past, the hit shot "happy hard" scoring means by more women's singles master praise, badminton women's singles characteristics have followed the past men's singles overall characteristics of the trend of development. 2. In the aspects of batting scoring ability in different shooting stages, the batting frequency is getting faster and faster in the match, more attention is paid to the suppression of the eight shots before the service, the time of the multi-beat round can be prolonged, and the scoring ability of the different shooting stages has been developed and improved. New requirements are put forward for the players' anaerobic metabolic ability and aerobic recovery level in the competition field, and the tactical play is developing in a more pluralistic direction. In the aspect of scoring rate of batting in different time stages, the control of time structure is more strengthened in the match, especially in the competition for the first 16 seconds. This not only puts forward new requirements for the athletes' intermittent anaerobic endurance level, but also provides a new way of thinking for the reasonable distribution of physical ability and the adjustment of psychological state in the competition of athletes. In the distribution of the return ball to different regions of the opposing side, the return ball area is concentrated in the middle and back field, but the return ball distribution is lower in the front of the net and the area near the central axis. The maximization of space utilization efficiency of badminton court may gradually enhance the strength and level of badminton female singles athletes' physical training. In different positions, the scoring points are concentrated in the middle and back court, the whole is the overall contest by using the unforced errors of the other side combined with their own winning points. More changes in the road, more coverage of landing points, higher requirements for speed, strength, and endurance, which may be the general trend of the development of high-level badminton women's singles in the future. In the badminton batting technique use efficiency aspect, presents the obvious individuality characteristic. On the whole, the main technique is pulling hoist and assault, the regional distribution is mainly in the middle and back court, and the most efficient technical means for different types of players are obviously different. Therefore, we should accurately analyze the personality characteristics of each type of players.


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