本文选题:专业滑雪运动员 + 医疗保障 ; 参考:《哈尔滨商业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In May 2016, the State Sports Administration issued the 13th Five-Year Plan for Sports Development, speeding up the transformation of the functions of government departments, and gradually constructing a multi-level, multi-mode sports service supply and security system, which is the focus of the current work. Perfect athlete incentive safeguard policy, realize social security system team athlete full coverage. The establishment of a medical security system for athletes has become an important task in completing the 13th Five-Year Plan of Sports. In 2022, China will host the Beijing Winter Olympics, and the health of professional skiers is related to the results of the Winter Olympics. The professional skier medical security work causes the government department to attach importance. Professional skiers break through their achievements one after another in the domestic and foreign competitions, but behind the excellent results are extremely high sports risks, professional skiers are injured frequently, so there is a huge demand for medical security. The medical security problem of professional skiers can not be solved well, it will directly affect their competitive level, and the development of competitive skiing will also be affected. Based on the theory of welfare economy, the theory of hierarchy of demand and the theory of fairness, this paper takes the medical security of professional skiers in Heilongjiang Province as the research object, and expounds the present situation of medical security of professional skiers in Heilongjiang Province. Furthermore, the problems of medical security for professional skiers are found. At present, the problems existing in medical security of professional skiers are as follows: the thought of emphasizing rewards and neglecting security affects athletes, and the establishment system has negative effects, the proportion of medical security funds is small, and the special funds of medical security are lacking; The commercial sports insurance management is few, the sports insurance product specialized is low; the specialized skier medical treatment security law pertinence, the legislation level is low; the sports wound rehabilitation hospital does not play the role; lacks the medical treatment team and so on. By drawing lessons from the developed commercial insurance system in the United States, the perfect policy system in Japan and the advanced medical service in Germany, the author sums up the development countermeasures of medical security for professional skiers in Heilongjiang Province. To establish an ideological and institutional environment that attaches importance to medical security, to increase the salary income of professional skiers, to reform the establishment system of professional skiers to increase the participation rate of professional skiers in medical security, and to appropriately increase medical security expenditure, To allocate medical security funds for professional skiers to increase investment in snow training centers, to guide insurance companies to participate in sports insurance market, to launch specialized commercial sports insurance products to open the sports insurance market; Improving the pertinence of medical security legislation, raising the legislative level of medical security for professional skiers, improving the legal system of medical security for professional skiers, giving full play to the role of sports trauma rehabilitation hospital, Set up the snow sports medical service team to improve the medical service level.
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