本文选题:大运会 + 健身健美操 ; 参考:《河北师范大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The sports meeting of Hebei university students is a comprehensive sports meeting organized by the Hebei Provincial Education Hall and the Hebei Provincial Sports Bureau including aerobics, table tennis and basketball. It is held every two years according to the regulations of the national school sports work. As the medium of competition sports, the provincial sports games have played a role in promoting school sports. The important role is also a great opportunity for all colleges and universities to carry out sports exchanges and show the results of the school sports work. Aerobics is listed as one of the individual competitions in the college sports meeting of Hebei province. Aerobics is one of the competitions. The competition is performed for the six people of fitness (sex unlimited), and is carried out in the competition. The Chinese college student body association Aerobics Gymnastics Division set up the <2008 year Chinese Student Fitness Aerobics Competition score rule (Third Edition) >. Like the competitive aerobics competition project, its team all appeared in the form of the school team. The direct purpose of all the competitive practice activities is to occupy the competitive advantage, create excellent results and win the competition. The score of the performance of fitness calisthenics competition consists of two parts: completion points and artistic points, which can be divided into technical skills, intensity, harmony and consistency of the movements of the players. The artistic points are divided into gymnastic combination, lifting and coordination, transition and connection, opening and ending, formation and route, music, style and theme, etc. As an important factor in artistic points, formation change plays an important role in improving the artistic and ornamental performance of a complete set and achieving excellent competition results. This paper tries to find out the effect of formation change on the performance of the competition from the perspective of video analysis, and to sum up a complete set of fitness aerobics. This paper provides a theoretical basis for the formation of the formation of the formation of the formation of a complete set of movements. In this paper, the influence of the changes in the formation of the complete set of Aerobics in the eighteenth Universiade of Hebei Province on the results of the competition is studied. The methods of literature, video observation and mathematical statistics are used to improve the eighteenth Universiade. The factors affecting the performance of the body aerobics are analyzed. The main contents of the study are the number of formation, the speed of formation change, the utilization of the site and space when the formation changes, the position of the team and the selection of the line and the type of formation when the formation changes, from which the formation of formation changes and the results of the competition are analyzed. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. the basic elements of the change of the complete set of aerobics movement formation include: the number of formation, the speed of formation change, the use of space space in the formation change and the selection of the formation of the formation of the formation of.2., the following trends are the following trend: the formation of the formation of Aerobics in the eighteenth Universiade in Hebei Province: in formation With the total number of use, the number of team formation decreased with the decline of team ranking. The total number of group a formation was higher than group B and group B was higher than group C; the number of formation formation used for each team decreased, the selection of transition formation increased and became the main trend, and the number of transition formation was reduced with the decline of ranking results. The use of irregular formation has been more used in the excellent team. The selection of regular formation is still the basic choice for the formation of complete sets of various groups of teams, the ranks in the post team and the use of irregular formation are still less; in the use of three-dimensional space, the use of the three kinds of space in the front ranks is better, With the decline of the number of places, the use of air formation is poor, individual teams still have the absence of air and space formation; the number of teams participating in the selection of lines, slashes, trigonometric and trapezoid formations is much more, and the ranks between the ranks of the team and the distance between the players are larger and the distance between the players is larger, and the distance between the players is larger. More and more exchanges and interaction, and the ranks of the more backward team, the smaller the movement between the players, the near running situation is more obvious, in the formation of innovation, the former ranks of the team used more fully.3. Hebei province eighteenth Universiade aerobics complete set formation change, formation change speed, formation changes in the site The use of space and the rational use of the selection of formation factors have a direct impact on the artistic and artistic scores of the set up routines. Through the analysis of the scores of the competition team, the results show that the artistic score of each group occupies the most important proportion in the final competition results, and has the most direct effect on the final competition results. Influence.
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