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发布时间:2018-06-11 22:00

  本文选题:通州区新城“一核五区” + 体育场馆 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2016年硕士论文

[Abstract]:In order to promote Beijing's non-capital functions, reduce the population density in the main urban areas, and release the urban life pressure in the city center, Tongzhou District, located on the eastern outskirts of Beijing, will carry the important tasks of Beijing's sub-center and the acceptance of 400000 new people. The construction of Tongzhou New City will be the key work of Beijing's urban development and construction in the coming decades. With the promotion of the function of New Town, the expansion of population and the change of ecological environment, the demand for sports is increasing day by day. Stadiums and gymnasiums are not only an important part of the development of sports, but also an important carrier of national fitness. In this paper, the present situation of the development of stadiums and gymnasiums in "one nuclear and five districts" in Tongzhou district is taken as the research object, and the quantity, type, distribution and management of stadiums and gymnasiums in this area are investigated, combined with the economic construction of people's livelihood in "one nuclear and five districts". To find out the main problems existing in the current stadiums and to explore the measures and methods for the future development of the stadiums and gymnasiums in Tongzhou New City, The aim of this paper is to provide theoretical basis and data support for the realization of high level construction of Beijing sub-center and the promotion of the sustainable development of Tongzhou New City. Based on the methods of literature, field investigation, mathematical analysis and interview, the present situation of stadiums and gymnasiums in "one nuclear and five districts" is studied in this paper. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The distribution of stadiums and gymnasiums in the "one nuclear and five districts" of the new town of Tongzhou District is not balanced by 2: 2, the type of stadiums in the region is single, the proportion of indoor and outdoor stadiums in some areas is very large, and the proportion of stadiums and gymnasiums opening up in the region is not high There is a shortage of staff in stadiums and gymnasiums, and investment in stadiums and gymnasiums in the region depends too heavily on government finances. In view of the existing problems in the development of Tongzhou District stadiums and gymnasiums, this paper puts forward the following suggestions: 1, make scientific and rational use of land resources, exert efforts to promote the coordinated development of stadiums and gymnasiums in all functional areas, and adjust the construction structure of stadiums and gymnasiums. Combined with the regional characteristics, the advantages should be brought into play to meet the needs of development. The potential value of the development of campus stadiums and gymnasiums should be equipped with management personnel, open private capital, set up professional operation teams and provide specialized services.


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