本文选题:社区体育 + 体育资源配置 ; 参考:《湖南师范大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the deepening of opening to the outside world and the rapid development of the socialist market economy, people's daily life has become rich and colorful, the living standard has been improved; people's pursuit of healthy life has been gradually strengthened. The sports life style has been paid more attention to in people's life. At the same time, the concept of sustainable development is put forward, and the resources are allocated and utilized. The development refers to the height of the social development view. This study analyzes the formation and development of the urban residents' sports life style from the overall situation of the distribution of community sports resources in Changsha. It is of theoretical guidance and practical significance to discuss how to rationally configure the community sports resources scientifically and meet the needs of urban residents to the maximum extent. Using the methods of literature, questionnaire and expert interview, this paper investigates the allocation of resources and the sports life style of 20 communities in Changsha, and analyzes the status and influence of the sports life style of urban residents in Changsha from the point of view of the allocation of community sports resources. 1, Changsha city residents' physical fitness awareness is high, and the corresponding sports consumption trend is diversified, but the sports activities of residents, the project is affected by community residential facilities, the corresponding sports resources limit, to a certain extent, the sports life style is generally accepted by the community residents; 2, Changsha community sports funds. With the development of the society, the distribution of the source has been paid much attention, but the background of the community construction and the supporting sports facilities are different, the distribution of the resources of the sports facilities and the per capita share are relatively small and uneven, and the idle situation in some communities still exists. 3, the information acquisition and the body related to the community sports are obtained by the community residents. The understanding of the value of education is not enough, the construction of information service needs to be perfected and deepened. 4, the lack of management talents in the community sports human resources, the lower level of the instructor and the uneven distribution of the instructors have an indirect influence on the enthusiasm of the urban residents to actively participate in sports activities.
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