本文选题:郑氏三体式站桩 + 下肢肌力 ; 参考:《成都体育学院》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Objective: to analyze the changes of the muscle strength of the thigh after Zheng's trisomy station pile with isokinetic muscle strength test, and to clarify the influence of the training of the trisomy three body pile training on the muscle strength and fall of the lower limbs of the human body, and provide the theoretical basis and scientific guidance for preventing the fall of the elderly and improving the strength of the lower limbs of the aged. Methods: 40 60-69 year old healthy elderly women were tested for two months' tri body post for two months to perform isokinetic muscle strength test, a continuous chair test and a fall risk assessment. Results: 1. subjects were after the exercise after two months of Zheng's tri body pile movement, and the peak torque value of the left and right legs was large. The average power of the leg was increased, the difference was significant (P0.05), indicating that the muscle strength and muscle function of the subjects were improved after the intervention of Zheng's tri body pile movement. 2. after Zheng's trisomy station pile, the peak torque angle of the extensors on the left and right sides of the subjects increased significantly (P0.05), indicating the extension of the legs. The muscle and muscle contraction ability increased, but there was no obvious change in the left and right flexors. 3. before the intervention of Zheng's trisomy platform, the knee joint was unstable and prone to fall. After the experiment, the effect of the flexor and extensor peak torque ratio of the subjects was close to 60% after the experiment (P0.05), indicating the stability of the knee joint and the danger of the fall. There was a decrease in risk; 4. after intervention, the number of people sitting in the 30s increased, and there was a significant difference before intervention (P0.05), indicating that the lower extremity action ability of the subjects increased after the exercise intervention; the fall index of the subjects before intervention was higher than that before the intervention, and the fall index before and after intervention was significant (P0.05), and the intervention was old. The fall index of the aged is decreasing, indicating that Zheng's trisomy style post has some effect on reducing the risk of falling down of old women.
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