本文选题:北京冬奥会 + 赛后场馆 ; 参考:《北京体育大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:On July 31, 2015, Beijing joined hands with Zhangjiakou to successfully win the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. The Olympic Games, as the most influential comprehensive event in the world at present, can be seen in promoting the development of ice and snow projects in China. The Party Central Committee, with General Secretary Xi as the core, and people's governments at all levels have no big input and support for the Olympic Games. With such a large-scale investment in the construction of Olympic venues, how can the venues maximize their value after serving the Olympic Games? In order to serve the society, the author hopes to construct a kind of sustainable development and good business model. Most of the research on ice and snow sites in China focuses on the problems existing in the current operation of the existing ice and snow venues, and puts forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions. Most of the business models are similar to each other in the commercial multi-objective multi-agent management mode. Based on the opportunity of hosting the Winter Olympic Games in China in 2022, this paper makes a systematic analysis of the ice and snow industry in China and the management methods of the venues after the competition. It is based on the management mode of the summer Olympic Games and the large-scale snowy stadiums at home and abroad. This paper makes a systematic study on the development mode of the Beijing 2022 snowy pavilions after the competition. Through the method of literature and case analysis, this paper analyzes the operating mode of the famous snow-covered stadiums abroad and the snow-covered stadiums of the recent Winter Olympics, as well as the domestic well-known snow-covered stadiums, such as Yabli, This paper makes a systematic analysis of the management model of the snowspots such as Mo'ershan, and concludes four problems in the development and utilization of the four aspects: first, the overall planning of the region is insufficient; secondly, the investment body is relatively single; third, Venue location planning is unreasonable; fourth, snow projects are restricted by climatic conditions. Through consulting information, the author combines the planning of snow-covered venues in Beijing Winter Olympics, the post-competition operation planning, the advanced development and utilization experience of large-scale snowspots at home and abroad, and so on, in combination with the national conditions of our country and the composition of the actual owners. The author enumerates the cases of snow pavilions at home and abroad and analyzes the management model, and draws the following conclusions: first, implementing multi-functional design to create post-competition operating conditions; second, combining professional arena and participatory mass venues; Third, the Beijing Winter Olympics snow stadium should focus on the integration of resources to build regional economy; fourth, improve the Beijing Winter Olympics snow venues supporting facilities. Because most of the Beijing Winter Olympics snowy venues are still in the planning stage and have not been built, this paper is a forward-looking study with many limitations. Based on the work done by the author and the availability of updated information, because the state pays close attention to the holding of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, it will bring a very favorable development environment for the ice and snow industry in our country, and many subsequent business problems will be launched one after another. Pending follow-up study.
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