[Abstract]:During the period of the Republic of China, under the influence of western educational thoughts, western sports thought began to take root and sprout in China, and collided violently with the traditional sports thought of our country. Among them, military and national sports thought, naturalistic sports thought and nationalistic sports thought are the main influential ones, which have played the leading role in the Chinese sports stage and played an important role in the development of sports at that time. Combing the development course of sports thought in this special historical period is helpful for us to further clarify the development of sports thought since modern times of our country, enrich the research of sports thought, and provide reference for the current sports development of our country.
【作者单位】: 江苏理工学院体育部;南京体育学院学科建设办公室;南京体育学院民族传统体育与表演系;
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