[Abstract]:Since taekwondo was officially listed as an Olympic event in 2000, taekwondo has developed rapidly in China. In order to promote the popularity of taekwondo in the world, to make the competitive taekwondo competition more attractive and fair, and to promote the development of taekwondo techniques and tactics, The World Taekwondo Federation has revised the competition rules of Taekwondo, mainly the score and the electronic score. The main purpose of this study is to clarify the changes of taekwondo techniques and tactics brought about by electronic scoring, and to grasp the development trend of taekwondo techniques and tactics in the future. Find out the characteristics and rules of taekwondo techniques and tactics, understand the development trend of taekwondo techniques and tactics. For the future Taekwondo training to provide effective, reference data, so as to bring more scientific training. This article mainly uses the literature method, the analysis method, the expert interview method, the video observation method and the mathematical statistics method. According to the statistics of the video games (56 games in total) of the top eight taekwondo elite competitions in 2016 (56 games in total) under the use of electronic scorecards, the paper analyzes the technical utilization rate, the scoring rate and the tactical application of the athletes in the 2016 national taekwondo elite competition. Through the analysis of data, it is found that the techniques and tactics of taekwondo match after using electronic scoring have changed different from those of traditional electronic protective equipment. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) the influence of electronic safety apparatus on the technique after abdominal scoring: the number of times of use of front kick, push (side) kick and backward cross kick is the highest, and the proportion of cross kick is decreased, and the technology is used more comprehensively. Push (side) kick develops rapidly; the success rate of rear kick is high but the usage rate is low; the influence of electronic protection device abdominal score on tactics: front leg cross kick, front leg cross kick attack, The use of push (side) kick and backward cross kick to counterattack were ranked first. (2) the effect of using electronic helmet head to score: male athletes' use and score of high difficulty movement hit head were higher than that of female athletes. The hind leg split ranked first in the number and success rate of head-striking technique of male and female athletes. The effect of using electronic helmet head to score the tactics: the score on the head was easier, and the athlete had stronger ability to hit the head. (3) the development trend of taekwondo technology after the application of electronic scoring: the use frequency of forelegged technology is high, the utilization rate of boxing is increasing significantly, the utilization rate of difficulty technology is rising; The development trend of taekwondo technology after the application of electronic scoring: the rapid development of taekwondo tactics and the increasing proportion of head-batting tactics in tactics.
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