[Abstract]:Since the development of rowing, physical training has been an important issue of great concern. Athletes' good physical ability is the basis for improving the performance of rowing, and good training means and load cycle arrangement are effective strategies to improve the level of physical ability. Therefore, in order to provide practical basis and intellectual support for the physical fitness training of female rowers in Wuhan Institute of physical Education, this paper uses the methods of literature, measurement, experiment contrast, questionnaire investigation, mathematical statistics, etc. Taking the actual effect of land physical training of female rowers in Wuhan Institute of Sports as the research object, combined with the system science in complex science as the theoretical basis, the characteristics of rowing events were analyzed, and the body shape of the athletes was analyzed. Measurement and evaluation of sports quality; development and implementation of physical training on land according to the current situation of athletes; and the actual effectiveness of the actual results of the implementation of the sports training program, Draw the following main conclusion: 1: 1, the athletes' test results have been greatly improved compared with the previous. The concrete performance is in the body shape and the movement quality process. The athletic quality aspect outstanding performance in the strength quality and the endurance quality. Among the units of strength quality, the maximum strength, strength endurance, core strength and explosive force all showed an increasing trend, while the sensitive quality showed a certain downward trend because of the single training means and the weather factors. In terms of body form, the body fat rate of athletes decreased, and the Ketole index showed a normal trend of 0.2. The regulation and control during the training process is particularly important. The overall performance is the level of movement norms, the amount and intensity of the load, and the injury and injury factors. And the external environment factor comprehensive influence. In training, the athletes themselves communicate with each other and adjust them timely to ensure the normal implementation of the training plan. Through the comparison of the results of the 2015 and 2016 national rowing championships, it is found that the women's eight singles results have been significantly improved in 2016. The whole is reflected in the stage of sailing, the stage of drawing on the way and the stage of sprint. The physical training on land has some pertinence. The training effect is maximized through appropriate training means and perfect regulation. In order to improve the competitive state of female rowers, to obtain excellent results.
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