[Abstract]:Non-enterprise units run by the people in sports are one kind of sports social organizations, which have the characteristics of public welfare, entity, folk and service. Under the background of government's changing functions, they are the main supply of public sports services. Take on important social responsibility. However, no matter the government or the academic circles pay little attention to the non-enterprise units of sports, the related research is almost blank. From the point of view of governance, this paper discusses the problems existing in the development of non-enterprise units run by the people in the sports category, and puts forward the idea of perfecting the governance of the non-enterprise units run by the people in the sports category by constructing the internal and external governance structure of the private non-enterprise units of the sports category. Then it tries to find a way to solve the problems existing in non-enterprise units of non-enterprise in the category of sports. The research methods of this paper are: literature method, interview method, comparative method and case study method. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) many problems existing in the concept of non-enterprise units in the category of private sports have affected the development of non-enterprise units in the category of private sports. (2) from the perspective of the types of civil subjects, the non-enterprise units of non-enterprises run by the people in the category of sports can be divided into the types of legal persons. Partnership type and individual type can be divided into official dominant type and folk dominant type. (3) the sports private non-enterprise units have low social recognition, fast growth rate, unbalanced regional development, and middle distribution of the industry. The level distribution grass roots is many, the official leading organization proportion is big. The problems existing in the development are the official leading organization "no division", the folk leading organization is rich in profit, hard to survive, limited in public interest, lack of credibility and lack of effective supervision. These problems can only be solved through effective governance, and the most important thing to achieve effective governance is to build an internal governance structure with checks and balances, a balanced distribution, and a government. Industry self-discipline and other stakeholders cooperate with each other in external supervision and bad situation. (4) the internal governance structure of the non-enterprise units run by the people in the sports category is centered on the Council, which performs decision-making functions on behalf of the various stakeholders of the organization. Manage the organization together. The supervisor system is the embodiment of the internal self-discipline of the organization. Through the supervisory board and the responsible person of the executive body, the internal situation of violating the mission of the organization is prevented. (5) the external governance of the non-enterprise units run by the people in the sports category includes government supervision. (6) the optimization of government supervision should follow the principle of supporting the establishment of the organization, the regulatory policy should distinguish between public welfare organizations and mutual benefit organizations, and the preferential policies should be oriented towards public welfare organizations. The supervision of public welfare organizations should focus on the organizational behavior. (7) the self-discipline of the non-enterprise units in the sports category embodies the self-supervision of social organizations, and the self-discipline of the industry should be the establishment of industry standards and the evaluation of member organizations. Even to punish illegal organizations. (8) relying on units, donors (contributors), beneficiaries, and the public constitute the other supervisory bodies of non-enterprise units run by the people in the category of sports, and the important channel to ensure their effective supervision is truth. Effective information disclosure mechanism and third party evaluation mechanism.
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