[Abstract]:As an important role of national fitness, the elderly people can set a good example for the masses. The elderly are the main theme of the whole people in our country. Their desire for health and their understanding of sports are the main motive force for them to participate in physical fitness. To organize and develop a good physical fitness exercise for the masses of the people, in order to attract the elderly to actively participate in the exercise, can to a certain extent enrich the life of the elderly and strengthen their health. In order to build a harmonious social environment. [1] this paper, through the investigation and study of the current situation of the elderly fitness in Xining City Plaza, applies questionnaire, literature, logic analysis, and so on. To understand the status quo and physical and mental health of the elderly, to analyze the influence and restriction factors that form these conditions, to explore the relevant factors that restrict the physical development of the elderly in Xining City, and to explore the motivation of the elderly to participate in the fitness activities. Fitness frequency, fitness effect, sports consumption, and other related contents, sorting out and analyzing the law of fitness and the problems needing attention in the high altitude area of western China, and summarizing the internal relationship between physical fitness and physical and mental health of the elderly in the square. Some opinions and suggestions are put forward. Through the discussion of these contents, it is hard for people to recognize the present situation of the old people in Xining City and their physical and mental health, to make the elderly realize the importance of fitness to improve their physical and mental health, and to make the society, The government and the family pay more attention to the health and physical and mental health of the elderly, and provide and create favorable conditions for the health and happiness of the elderly in their old age. The body-building of old people is to enhance physique, improve physical and mental health. This paper makes a careful and detailed analysis of the relevant factors affecting the physical fitness of the elderly in Xining City Square. To find out the main problems: (1) lack of organization and technical guidance; (2) lack of scientific and reasonable fitness knowledge; (3) insufficient funds for sports and fitness activities; (4) insufficient government propaganda and organization of sports and fitness for the elderly. At the same time, it gives the corresponding suggestions for the elderly to be able to good scientific fitness: (1) to formulate and implement a good policy of physical fitness for the elderly, and to safeguard the basic rights and interests of the elderly; (2) to love fitness and scientific fitness for the elderly; (3) to train a group of elderly sports instructors, (4) innovating constantly, developing more fitness items suitable for the elderly; (5) giving play to the function and function of sports organization for the elderly. The work of fitness for the elderly is a work of strong mass and a cause of rising sun. Only by merging the various forces together, can the development of fitness for the elderly advance along the road of normalization, science and systematization.
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