[Abstract]:Objective: table tennis is an important Olympic gold-winning event in China. The purpose of this study was to test the scapular function of table tennis players, the flexibility of thoracic vertebrae and the dynamic characteristics of forehand arc ball technique, and to understand the order of muscle exertion and the characteristics of scapular dysfunction of athletes. To explore the effect of scapular stability and thoracic flexibility training on improving scapular dysfunction. To provide theoretical basis for the prevention of shoulder injury of table tennis players. Methods: thirty ping-pong students from Beijing Sports University were divided into normal group (10 cases) and dysfunctional group (20 cases) according to whether they had scapular dysfunction or not. The functional disorder group was randomly divided into shoulder group (n = 10) and shoulder chest group (n = 10). The characteristics and dynamics of scapular dysfunction were measured in all subjects. Scapular stability intervention was performed only in the shoulder group and tested again after the intervention. Results: compared with normal functional group, In the dysfunctional group, the difference of shoulder scapular balance angle was larger (p0. 05), the ATE value of bilateral shoulder proprioceptive sensation was significantly higher (p0. 01) and the results of all positions were higher (p0. 05 or p0. 01). The results of Y Balance test were lower (p0. 05), and the results of bilateral chest were lower (p0. 05). The difference of vertebral rotation activity was larger (p0.01), the result of strength test was obviously higher but the speed of hitting was slow (p0.05), the activation of inferior trapezius muscle and pectoralis major was delayed when pulling forehand arc ball. After 6 weeks of intervention, the difference between self balance angle and proprioceptive ATE was significantly decreased (p0.01). The LSST test position of shoulder group was 2. The results of position 3 and position 2 of LSST test in the shoulder chest group were significantly lower than those in the shoulder chest group (p0 05), and the Y Balance test results in the shoulder chest group were more obvious than those in the shoulder chest group (p 0. 05). The difference between the rotation activity and the bilateral motion of the clacket-side thoracic vertebrae in the shoulder chest group was significantly increased (p 0. 01) and the value of Ecc / Con was decreased. The arcing speed of forehand was increased obviously, and that of shoulder chest group was more obvious (p0.05). The sequence of muscle power in shoulder chest group was very close to that in normal group, and the biceps brachii muscle was activated earlier in shoulder group. Conclusion: (1) the scapular position of table tennis players with scapular dysfunction is not symmetrical, the flexibility of thoracic vertebrae is not enough, the stability and proprioceptive sensation of shoulder joint is decreased, and the coordination of muscle work is insufficient. The activation sequence of shoulder muscles was not in accordance with the requirements of arc ball stroke of forehand. (2) intervention in shoulder joint could significantly improve the position and function of scapula and improve motor performance. The shoulder joint combined with the intervention of thoracic vertebrae flexibility improved the shoulder function more obviously, and the order of muscle exertion was more in line with the requirements of motion technique.
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