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发布时间:2018-07-31 14:30
[Abstract]:In June 2014, the Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau, the Capital Institute of physical Education and the Beijing University of physical Education formed a joint working group to carry out the eight pilot projects of the Beijing Sports Bureau of National Fitness. The establishment of sports characteristic towns and villages was regarded as one of the key points of the pilot work. The establishment of "sports characteristic towns" is the key content of the whole people's fitness work in Beijing, which is based on the work of "sports characteristic villages" in three pilot towns during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period. The purpose of this pilot work is to improve the construction level of "sports characteristic village" during the 12th Five-Year Plan period, to further explore the management and operation mechanism of national fitness work, and to prepare for the promotion of sports characteristic township construction work during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period. Beijing Sports Bureau selected Fangshan, Pinggu, Huairou as three pilot areas, the three pilot districts selected Fangshan District Yancun Town, Pinggu District Wang Xinzhuang Town and Huairou District Yang Song Town as the pilot. By using literature review, interview, case analysis and field investigation, this paper compares the implementation of the pilot work in Yangsong Town, Pinggu District and Yan Town in Fangshan District. The purpose of this paper is to understand the situation of the sports characteristic villages and towns construction in an all-round way, sum up the experience, find out the problems, analyze the reasons, and provide reference and suggestions for the development of the township sports in Beijing. The results show that the three pilot villages and towns have achieved some of the quantitative objectives required by the "Beijing National Fitness pilot Project", serialized the activities and competitions, and networked the organization system. Three aspects of practical fitness facilities completed the task of the pilot work, in fitness service scientific and "sports characteristic village" generalization has not yet reached the task requirements. The results of the pilot show that the establishment of a quantitative examination and reward system is the main means to stimulate the enthusiasm of the establishment of units and can effectively promote the development of the grassroots national fitness cause, and the township national fitness cause should be in line with the township economy. Only when the development advantages in the cultural field are closely combined, can the social sports instructor team be the main participating force in carrying out the work of national fitness at the grass-roots level, and the establishment of the association of social sports instructors can promote the exertion of the whole function. At present, there are still insufficient investment in sports special funds of township government, lack of influence of sports events in towns and villages, lack of investment in social funds, insufficient number of sports workers in villages and towns, The network of township sports organizations is inefficient, the skills of social sports instructors are not comprehensive, and the aging of the ranks. It is suggested that special sports events should be cultivated actively in the future to attract social capital input; to enhance the efficiency of network operation of sports organizations, to give full play to the role of all kinds of associations at all levels, to strengthen the multi-skill training of social sports instructors, and to vigorously train the backbone of young and middle-aged people; Use self-media propaganda power, actively broaden the channels of national fitness publicity.


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