[Abstract]:The use of any technique and tactics on the volleyball court is achieved through good physical fitness. Therefore, in recent years, more and more physical training methods have been applied to the physical training of athletes, such as suspension training. Core strength training and vibration training are applied to athletes training. In this paper, two kinds of training methods, rapid expansion training and resistance training, are used to explore the influence of the two training methods on volleyball specific sensitive quality and the correlation between this method and the improvement of lower extremity explosive force and sensitive quality. At the same time, to explore the two kinds of exercises on volleyball special sensitive quality comparative analysis. In this paper, the methods of literature, mathematical statistics and experiment are used to study and compare the explosive force and sensitive quality of the lower extremities of the volleyball students. The volleyball special class of Beijing University of physical Education is taken as the experimental object. It was randomly divided into two groups: control group and experimental group. After 6 weeks of rapid expansion training and resistance training, 5 indexes of sensitive quality and 1 item of explosive force of lower extremity were tested. The data were analyzed statistically. The following conclusions are drawn: 1 after 6 weeks of training in the control group and the experimental group, 5 indexes were compared and analyzed in the experimental group, among which 3 were very significant differences and 2 were significant differences; In the control group, there was a significant difference between the two indexes. Five indexes were analyzed among the groups, two of which were very significant differences. There was no significant difference in two indexes. The results showed that the rapid expansion compound training could improve the specific sensitive quality of volleyball. 2. The experimental group adopted rapid expansion compound training, and the results showed that there was no significant difference between the two indexes, which indicated that the rapid expansion compound training could be used in the experimental group. The results before and after standing long jump in the experimental group showed very significant difference, while in the control group there was a significant difference. The data analysis of the experimental group and the control group after experiment showed that there was a significant difference between the two groups. The results showed that the combination training of rapid expansion can better promote the improvement of lower extremity explosive force of volleyball players in the control group. In the control group, there was a correlation between the T type running test and the in-situ long jump score. The Nebraska test and the half meter character sensitivity test were also used to test the relationship between the T running test and the in-situ long jump test. There was no correlation between the results of in-situ long jump and that of Nebraska test and in situ long jump test. There was no correlation between Nebraska test and in-situ long jump score.
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