[Abstract]:Football, with its reputation as the first sport in the world, is the most influential sport in the world. The State Council also held a national youth school football work conference, pointing out that the Ministry of Education led the important instructions of campus football. However, in Xi'an, the football fire has never been extinguished, and physical education in primary and secondary schools will have at least one training class a week for football, which will increase the popularity and participation of football at the grass-roots level. With the progress of social science and technology, the educational system of our country is mostly oriented to exam-oriented education, emphasizing individual learning knowledge and despising individual personality development, students' learning task is heavy, learning pressure is great, and venting channels are few. As a result, many students' psychological problems frequently appear. Self-consciousness refers to the individual's subjective experience, evaluation and cognition of itself and the things around it. It includes physical and psychological self-cognition and subjective evaluation. Self-esteem is an emotional experience of self-love, self-respect and respect for others and society. In the eight stages of Eriksson's life, it is pointed out that the children aged 6 to 12 are the key period of the development of inferiority and diligence, which is of great significance in the growth of primary school students. In this study, 363 male students who participated in soccer training and other regular sports in grades 2-5 in Xi'an were investigated by literature, psychological measurement and mathematical statistics. The domestic revision scale of children's self-consciousness and SES's self-esteem scale were used to verify the effect of football training on the psychological development of primary school students by analyzing the differences of self-awareness and self-esteem between the training group and the non-training group. The results are as follows: 1. According to statistical self-awareness and total score of self-esteem, boys in football training group are higher than boys in non-football training group. T-test analysis of independent sample shows that self-awareness subscale of soccer training group is standard and self-control. The scores of self-appearance cognition, emotional control ability and relationship processing ability in school were significantly higher than those in non-football training group, and the scores of happiness and satisfaction of boys in football training group were higher than those in non-participating training group. The results showed that the score of football training group was higher than that of non-training group, and there was a very significant difference. In conclusion, participation in football training had a good effect on the self-awareness and self-esteem of boys.
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